
Great Space Coaster, TN Tuxedo, Ricochet Rabbit?

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Does anyone else remember these?

I made an off hand comment about "No news is good g-news with Garry Gnu" and only one person had heard of it.

Same for "bing - bing - bing! Ricochet Rabbit!"

Then I felt old when I asked about Tennessee Tuxedo, got the same reaction and was told that most in the office were not born yet when that was on. I got nearly the same for Fractured Fairy Tales and Underdog!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I know all of the above.. .but I LOVED fractured fairy tales. . .my favorite.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Hell yeah man!

there are so many classics from that era.
The Wayback Machine"
MR. Greenjeans.
Back when when Morgan freeman used to have a huge afro from the Electric Company
The Old Tootsie pop commercial with the cartoon owl..."a one, a two a threeeee" "i guess the world will never know"
How a bill becomes a law, and other school house rock stuff.
Here is another obscure one: "we're not candy, even though we look so fine and dandy. When you're sick we come in handy, BUT We're not candy"
321 Contact
the bloodhound gang.
anyone remember when "momen chants"(no idea the spelling on that) was on 321 Contact....anyone... Weird mimes dressed all in black with rolls of toilet paper on their faces.
The classic "one two three four five, six seven eight, nine ten eleven tw-elve-elve elve" from sesame street with the pinball cartoon...
Picture pages with Bill cosby's magic pen that made the noise when he scribbled.
OF course, there was King Friday, elaine, mr. mcfeely (yeah nice name) and the rest of the crew.
But what about shylock the squirrel? Anyone remember that show? I cant remember the name.
" I love it when a plan comes together"
Tales of the Gold Monkey with Jake and corky.
Anyone remember The Voyagers? Jeff and Phineas Bogg.
Or wizards and Warriors, lasted one season (or less)
"Believe it or not, I'm on top of the world, I never thought i could feel so free"
Pete Thorton, Jack Dalton, and good ole Angus
Who could forget KITT riding off into the sunset?
Who remembers "V"? the ultimate miniseries
Tom Baker or Peter Davidson?
"and knowing is half the battle"
"form of an eagle.""shape of an ice ramp"
20 little vehicles was way better than five lions.
and transformers beat gobots any day.
"from the minds of men, the mightiest machine-TRANZOR Z" with the female robot Aphrodite that used to shoot her boobs at her would be attackers.
Dont forget the little communist Smurfs
Roscoe peee coll train (with Flash)
how about movies?
Scout's honor starring little arnold.
or The Earthling, starring a very young Ricky Schroeder.
Speaking of the Ricker, did you ever want a train to ride around your living room, a mallard duck phone, or a race car bed, or arcade games in your living room?
Time bandits.
Flash Gordon, the cheesy movie with that Blonde dude.
Did you ever think that an old guy was going to show up if you if got a really high score in a video game and help you become a Starfighter?
"where's the beef?"
"I've fallen and i can't get up!!"
"hey your mean Joe Greeen"
"this is your brain...."
"I learned it by watching YOU"
Who remembers what ALF stood for?
Remember when the former Maytag guy was on Different Strokes, and he had Arnold and Dudley over, but made them watch cartoon porn with their shirts off?....ick.
"whatsa happening, Hot stuff?"
"would you like to play a game?"
"Something D-O-O economics"
Who's the Boss, Gimme a Break because Eight is Enough and those are the Facts of Life.

Anyone with me on these? Or do I hear those damn crickets again??
Uh, that is all I have for now. Thanks for viewing a slice from my childhood!

jeff D-16906

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I love the old cartoons. We were on vacatrion in April and they had a cable channel I'd never seen that played old cartoons all day. I did not catch the name, but my wife says it was Boomerang. It was awesome, and to my surprise my little girls (who are really into Kim Possible, Jimmy Nuetron, Fairly Odd Parents and the like) really dug it. So my wife went out and picked up a couple cheap DVDs of the old stuff.

Some of the things on it were Magilla Gorilla, The Banana Splits, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Snagglepuss, Quick Draw McGraw, Beanie & Cecil, and so on.

I must be old - I remember when Sesame Street debuted - and I was too old then to be considered as it's target audience. But I fell in love with Cookie Monster anyway.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I grew up on the Bugs Bunny and the Roadrunner shows. Another favorite was Tom and Jerry...

Nothing but lotsa laughs and Wile E Coyote base jumping without a chute... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Wow, I remember like 90% of those shows and sayings...

What about Captain Kangaroo ?? Used to watch that all the time.

So did Mr. green Jeans skip right by ya?;)

And I just found out the name of the show with Sherlock the squirrel...it had the two hippy girls, and it was called Magic Garden. Heh, the Chuckle Patch.

jeff D-16906

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