
Should I go get this piercing or not??

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:):S and said, "No you're not! You don't need any more holes in your head."

Then I explained that I want to wear the little bitty diamond studs up in the second holes and my hoops or drops in the bottom ones like I used to years ago (he doesn't remember if I had 2 sets when I met him and neither do I :P). So he kinda grimaced and then we talked about something else...

So should I just go do it? If I do, where do I go? The mall or something? Am I too old to bother with this shit any more?
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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That's how I usually wear my earrings- itty bitty diamond studs in the top holes, small hoops, drops or dangly ones on the bottom! I say go for it, and I don't see why your husband would object! Maybe he was afraid you would do something more radical and couldn't visualize what you were talking about, or he just thinks its frivilous!

He's not the boss of you anyway, right??;)

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He's not the boss of you anyway, right??;)

YEAH! That's right! :) Well damn I'm not just some stupid love-struck dope that follows him around like a puppy-dog or somethin'! >:( -Dangit, yes I am...:P

Ah wells, he'll like it any how. And if he doesn't, I know how to get myself outta trouble with him. :)

I have a friend at the DZ that does piercings...maybe I should do it in July for the ash dive of our friend. That would kinda make it more meaningful. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I have a friend at the DZ that does piercings...maybe I should do it in July for the ash dive of our friend. That would kinda make it more meaningful. :)

I just called this friend, and he will do my piercings at the ash dive. I feel great, very happy that it will have meaning. :)

...and this thread is.......SPENT!!
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It is your ears Acme. Since your hubby gives you the:Sabout it. I think you should do what makes you happy. He'll deal with it. your husband loves all the things about you, that is why he married you, not because you pierced your lovely ears. Go for it Enjoy it. You are never too old to take some extra time for yourself.-CARESS:):)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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Tell him it's either the ears or the nipples and belly button. Paul won't care where he puts the holes. He did two belly buttons at the DZ on Saturday.

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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