
I Think my Kity Wants to Skydive

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My kitty has recently taken to sleeping on top of my TV, which puts her about 5' AGL. Several times now she has rolled off the top of TV and freefell to the floor in a sudden scramble. Do you think she's trying to tell me something?

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Several times now she has rolled off the top of TV and freefell to the floor in a sudden scramble. Do you think she's trying to tell me something?

Yes. She's telling you she's a clutz.

I watched Pie (my psychotic calico cat) try to get on top of the curtain rod in my bedroom. No real reason, nothing up there, just something to do I guess.

Well, she leapt. Stretched herself to her full kitty length, and reached. And missed. And subsequently plummeted about 7 feet to the floor. She landed there, looked at me, stood up, and wandered off. She's never tried that again, although she does make it a habit to walk my headboard.


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My kitty has recently taken to sleeping on top of my TV, which puts her about 5' AGL. ?

WOW thats a friggin BIG TV:o:o:o:o

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I used to house sit for a friend that (at the time) had two of the largest house cats I’ve ever seen...not fat, simply massive, felines with the genes of panthers in their past (as expressed in the looks of distain they gave their pet humans)… My friends lived pretty far in the woods, so insects were often attracted to the lone light emanating from the house. But for Barnabus and Cladapus (or Barney and Clyde on the rare occasions they were feeling affectionate) being outdoor predators of great terror and renown among the furry and feathered, (as often demonstrated by bloody, sometime half living, ‘presents’ left on the kitchen floor in gracious exchange for my ability to operate a can opener) such prey was entirely beneath their notice…...

One night while I was watching a movie with only the tv and a single light in the far corner of the great room, I noticed a tiny movement on the floor out of the corner of my eye... immediately also noticed a much larger movement from the top of the german 'shrunck' (no idea how its spelled, to lazy to look it up, but it is a HUGE, floor to ceiling, modular shelf/entertainment center that measures some 12 feet tall) with no sound other than the whoosh of freefall (when i think of it now it sounds like the beginning of a good swoop, but this was loooong before i heard that sound) Clyde (the larger) came smack down from above with all four paws perfectly, on what was, a 2 inch wood roach that had initially caught my eye.... after stepping off the messy remains he quietly licked his paws and gave me a look that said simply...

"yes, you may now worship the prowess and ease with which I pounce...." and wandered off flicking his tail to find more amusing prey and more appreciative audiences....

i swear he enjoyed scaring me more than crushing the roach...
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My cat likes to lie on top of the TV too - I think because (when it's on) it's warm up there, and also because cats like to get between you and whatever is making you ignore them. She dangles her tail in front of the screen, which is a sure way of getting my attention. :)
I bet every time your cat falls off the TV she goes straight into nonchalant self-cleaning mode. She's saying, 'Oh, you thought I slipped, huh? Actually I meant to do that.'

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My kitty has recently taken to sleeping on top of my TV, which puts her about 5' AGL. Several times now she has rolled off the top of TV and freefell to the floor in a sudden scramble. Do you think she's trying to tell me something?

Sounds more interested in base jumping to me... :D Have you explained to her that there she needs to be a good/experienced skydiver before she takes up BASE?
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