
Credit Report Disputes

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Maybe someone here can shed some light on what I'm doing wrong :S

Last summer (July 13) my husband was in a car accident and his car was totaled (not his fault). They insurance company totaled the car for $1200 less than what was owed. At the time we bought the car my husband didn't have any credit, so the car was in my name with him co-signing. I get a letter from Chrysler Financial, the company we financed the car through, and was notified we had to the end of the month to pay the remainder of the loan or it would go to collections. I was very surprised that after prompt and full payments they would resort to this. So I called a customer service rep and told them I just don't have $1200 to shell out in the next 10 days. That didn't matter to them.

I called my father, he loaned me the money and i overnighted it to Chrysler. I was done with them - pissed off, but done.

October comes around and I order a copy of my credit report - they listed my account as a charge off!!! :oB|>:(

After going back and forth with copies of letters, bank statements and checks I provided the proper documentation to prove that my money had arrived to them in the allotted amount of time and there was no charge off.

February - still lists a charge off. I called the credit companies and had them deal with through investigations.

March - Investigations done. Still lists a danm charge off.

April and May - Chrysler says they have issued new changes to my credit report stating there was no charge off. They're all of a sudden very nice to me on the phone :S

Today - latest investigation still lists a charge off and Chrysler has said AGAIN they are issuing a change.

I want to get a new car at the end of the summer, but will not get the best financing deal with this false information on my report.

What can I do differently that will get this expedited? I have the phone number of the manager of the credit reporting department at Chrysler now and will call him on Monday to see when he will issue the changes.

Do I have to get a lawyer involved now? This is beyond bullshit - a year later B|

Arianna Frances

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fedral law states that you may be entitled to damages caused by false or misleading information left on your credit report.
or something..
its on one of my credit report pages...

good luck.
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I really feel for you Mailin. I'm going thru the same thing but it's not just one company falsely reporting.

Don't forget there are 3 reporting agencies out there. They may all carry different information on you.

Credit is the devil!! I hate it, but it's a fact of life in the USA. After 7 years I finally got my credit score back to 625+ not great not even good. Better then it was and most of it wasn't my shit on my report. I'm just glad things roll off after 7 years, and bankruptcies after 10.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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A "Paid Charge Off" is alot better then a "Charge Off" not by much but it's better.

Don't you love how they can put anything on our reports. Then the responsibility is ours to prove it's inaccurate.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Tell me about it - they put a company I never made payments to on my report! The company that would have handled the charge off. So now I have two items listed incorrectly - one is just a flat out lie!

I can't understand this... how can they put something on my report that I never applied for?

Arianna Frances

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Get a letter from Chrysler Financial stating that the item was never charged off and the account was paid in full. Also, make sure to list (unless you made a late payment somewhere) that the account was never paid late. Make sure the letter is on Chrysler letterhead.
Open a new dispute with all 3 of the credit bureaus and send a copy of this letter.

Things not to do:
1. Do not put a statement on your credit report that explains the situation - this is viewed by a (potential) creditor as more of an admission of guilt than an explanation

Once the credit bureau receives your dispute, they have 30 days in which to either correct or remove the item from your report, but only if they deem the dispute legit.

Need anything more, let me know.

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Done all of those things and its still on my report :(

Its now past the 30 days and the conflict lies in that Chrysler sent an updated report to them yesterday still listing the charge off - yet when I call them they have all of my phone calls to them documented and that each time I've called they've agreed to take it off, and it hasn't been done.

I don't know what else to do [:/]

Arianna Frances

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Nope, its just this one item. I was able to get a personal loan earlier this year with the documentation I have kept on this dispute, but I can't always rest assured that everyone will be as easy about it. I just don't understand how long I have to wait... they've said that they've updated it since March now :S

Arianna Frances

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grumble grumble grumble

I feel your pain. I've all but given up trying to clear my report. I'm just staying as clean as i can for now, while the ones i can't get to change slowly roll off at 7 years.

Making matter more difficult here though is WE Energies, the natural gas (heating, cooking, ect) supplier here. Everyone knows how bad the prices have spiked in the last few years, in some cases the bill is more than the income for the month. :S To top this off, they report to the credit bureau MONTHLY. If you are so much as late on a payment, or cannot pay the entire bill in full, BAM, bad shit on your report. Strong handed tactics, and many people are now just like me. I set up this house so that the ONLY thing I use gas for is heat. that gives me all summer to get the winter bill paid up, and it ususally takes that long.

Credit scores blow, and with companies that jump the gun to post bad shit yet drag their feet to either correct or post positive marks, life gets difficult. [:/]
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RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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You people will love this one...

The head of one of the big three credit reporting agencies says that free credit reports are damn-near unconstitutional. He believes that Americans should pay for access to their own personal data to check the accuracy of their credit reports.

Oh and Equifax is the hardest of the 3 to get a free report from. When you do get it, it's almost unreadable.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I used to live in MA, where you were entitled to one free copy of your credit report every year. In RI you get one AFTER you get turned down for something.

I'd like to be able to look at it before something negative goes on it thank you very much. :|

Looks like there's not much I can do but wait and see if Chrysler does what it says it will this time...

Arianna Frances

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did you file a dicrepancy report with your Credit agencies?

usually you'll hear something form them within a month. all you have to do is file the report and tell them its a bogus claim. IF CHRYSLER ISN"T FUCKING YOU, than when the credit agency inquires about it, they should clear the claim.

if you are the only one asking about the bogus charge than it probaly isnt making passed the desk of the person you are talking to[:/]
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did you file a dicrepancy report with your Credit agencies?

Yep, twice now [:/]


if you are the only one asking about the bogus charge than it probaly isnt making passed the desk of the person you are talking to [:/]

This is what I'm afraid of - so I'll be speaking to the manager of the credit reporting department at Chrysler on Tuesday.

I just can't believe I'm having to deal with this crap, but I guess it goes with the territory.

Arianna Frances

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yea that sucks. I kinda want to pull a fight club on the whole credit thing as well.

they fukt me on one charge and they wont take it off.

when I move out of georgia the phone company left my phone on. the next person charged up a $348.00 bill.

i got al the documents to show them that I was in korea with the air force but they didnt give a shit. i finally got fed up with it and paid it off just so it would get off of my accounts.....I SPECIFICALLY ASKED if it would get removed after i paid i off.

guess I was a victim twice.
kinda sucks that they fuck you so easily and then you have to do a top secret sercurity investigation just for them to speak with you.

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I'm going to post this from a PM I shared with a friend.

***This is wierd, but if you don't have a credit card, you cant have good credit.

Credit cards are kind of like guns. To demonstrate responsibility you have to have them, and handle them responsibly. Difference being, every single time you use a credit card, the bureaus know. If every time you pull the trigger on a credit card it is in a responsible manner, you get more and more credit.

So, someone with no credit cards and no, or little record of using credit, won't be given any.

So, just as it's irresponsible for someone with no firearms experience to be handed a submachine gun, the banks are irresponsible if they lend out a quarter million dollars for a house to someone who hasn't demonstrated the ability to live within their means when they have access to "free" money, or credit.

To build a great credit rating, you have to get some credit cards and use them responsibly. Having a credit card with a $50,000 limit that you use to buy gas and groceries and pay down every month to a current balance of $0 makes the bureaus and the CC companies want to offer you more.

A very low credit score may be the result of having demonstrated very little use of credit period. Not just screwing up. If you have no credit cards you may have never been late, but think about it, you've never been on time either.

I want to help ALL of you buy a house. In order to do that you all need good credit. A provable salary of $100,000 a year but never having bought a car or used a credit card and paid both off and on time, your score will be low.

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I have a few friends in the credit department at Chrysler Financial- if you want I could see if any of them could so anything to help out. I'll see if I can get a name and number for someone if you would like.

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Yesv- just edited my post to add that. Let me send a couple emails now.


hope it works. tell them there are people planning to disrupt the financial infrastructure if they don't fix it! LOL
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