
What can you find about yourself on Google?

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I found that I have a name sake that is at the forefront of bale wrappers! :S


The McHale range of Bale Wrappers is known throughout the World for durability, reliability, innovation and value for money.

Built to last and developed on the rugged terrain of the Irish countryside, this range has been proven to be the number one choice for contractor and farmer alike.



and also another of my name sake does a cracking line of alpine packs!

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I have outsourcing consulting firm http://www.affiliatemanager.net/scc/index.shtml I've got ALOT of attention on the web as this guy.

I am a visual designer also http://www.groundfreeze.com/ Pretty neat stuff.

I think this ones a lie.. Assistant professor, FRANÇAIS Ph.D.: University of Ottawa (2001) http://www.chimie.umontreal.ca/profs/angl_CollinsShawn.htm I don't speak FRENCH!!

I played pro ball from 89-93 with Atl. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/CollSh00.htm Pretty creepy seeing your name attached to someone else. They've even got the same birth year as me!

Last but not least, I'm a lawyer!! http://www.collinslaw.com/bios/collins.html

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Well, given my fairly unique name, all the references are to me...

president of my local college alumni club (oops, just quit that gig... better get them to take down that contact info)

speaker at a conference on rural managed care systems in Nebraska (yeah, that was like 5 years ago...)

captain of the "Unholy Rollers" bowling team (really, a drinking league with a bowling problem)

participant in the Beat the Bridge walk/run

Nope, no skeletons on the web, at least not under my real name!
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Hey its not my problem that those are great targets.:D

Besides, I've seen them, they have a whole bag of those damned golf balls every time they play, I'm thinning the heard to keep it healthy.:D:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Don't believe me? Check out the pic...

Damn Ted what a hottie! :P Where have you been keeping that hot picture?!?!:D:D

hmmmm...as for searching my name, well I found out I do cancer research...

oh wait, I do.:S;)

"Scars remind you that the past is real..."

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Yeah check this out...

"Harrigan's Angel"
gs: Howard Duff [ Harrigan ], Ed Nelson [ George Starrett ], Michael Cavanaugh [ Anthony Felber ], Robert Englund [ Belkin ], Michael Baseleon [ Crail ], Charles McDaniel [ Matthews ], Marte Slout [ Waitress ]
A group of thieves pulls off an elaborate robbery at an electronics plant. While the security guard is distracted by a phone call from his boss, they drop a giant photographic copy of the building over the outside of their truck so that he won't be able to detect anything on his monitors. George Starrett, the head of the company, hires the Angels at the behest of his insurance carrier. They have threatened to cancel his coverage unless he brings in someone to assist the investigator already on the case. The Angels are bemused to learn that they must work with Harrigan, a hard-drinking, absent-minded bumbler. Kris volunteers to pair up with Harrigan because he reminds her of her alcoholic father. She struggles constantly to stop Harrigan from drinking and keep his focus on the case. While going through his notes, she discovers that a photo engraving truck made an unusual visit to Starrett Electronics. They visit North Valley Photo Engraving, where employee Belkin proves to be extremely tight-lipped about his store's services. Kelly and Tiffany talk with Felber, a man at the company whose stolen truck was used in the robbery. Although he seems cooperative, Tiffany becomes suspicious because he didn't offer them any coffee. A man in a large black truck rams into Kris's car and tries to force it off the road. Harrigan suggests a maneuver that allows them to successfully elude their pursuer. He writes down the license plate number, but a computer check reveals that it doesn't exist. Kris begins to put together a theory on how the robbery was carried out, including the use of the giant photograph. Kelly and Tiffany question Starrett about Belkin and Felber, but he claims not to recognize their names. Kris looks through Harrigan's belongings and discovers that he was once a very brilliant man employed by presidents and military leaders. He began to fall apart after the deaths of his wife and their baby in childbirth. Bosley calls Tiffany and reports that Starrett owns several warehouses where the stolen merchandise could have been sold for re-distribution. He also has a criminal record, and Belkin and Felber were arrested for involvement in the same crime. Starrett and his associate go after Kelly and Tiffany in the truck, but Tiffany spots it and recognizes the license number as the one identified by Harrigan. Kelly cuts off the truck, and Starrett's driver confesses and tells them that Belkin and Felber plan to kill Kris and Harrigan. Tiffany calls Kris, but Harrigan steps outside and gets shot before Kris can warn him. He is not seriously hurt, and they are able to fight off the two men. Harrigan thanks Kris for her kindness and promises to get himself back on track.

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