
Pit Bull versus Porcupine... who won???

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If that dog was ass-stupid enough to KEEP GOING BACK, then yes, he deserves every last quill. Obviously doesn't have a freaking working braincell left, so fuck it.

I'm not so sure. I've had a Jack Russell Terrier living with me for about a year now. Extremely smart dog, but fearless (except for thunder). There is no way a bit of pain is going to deter him from anything. He has been bred (not trained) that way, with a "get pain, give pain" mentality. He won't back down from anything, for better or worse.

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Poor girl, yes it's a English Bull Terrier NOT a American Pit Bull Terrier. It's a shame that all dogs that slightly resemble pit bulls are so quickly put in the "aggressive" pit bull category. I've owned many, many American Pit Bulls and not a one of em is vicious and mean....how could you hate this?

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Poor girl, yes it's a English Bull Terrier NOT a American Pit Bull Terrier. It's a shame that all dogs that slightly resemble pit bulls are so quickly put in the "aggressive" pit bull category. I've owned many, many American Pit Bulls and not a one of em is vicious and mean....how could you hate this?

C'mon post pictures of his face!


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Poor girl, yes it's a English Bull Terrier NOT a American Pit Bull Terrier. It's a shame that all dogs that slightly resemble pit bulls are so quickly put in the "aggressive" pit bull category. I've owned many, many American Pit Bulls and not a one of em is vicious and mean....how could you hate this?

Unfortunately, it only takes a few high profile pit bull attacks to ingrain into the public psyche that all pit bulls are deadly and dangerous. I know not all of them are that way, but if I see one outside on the loose, I WILL regard it as dangerous and keep my distance if possible. Once a pit bull chomps down on a limb, you WILL NOT be able to get it off unless you shoot it in the head.

Rottweilers have somewhat of a bad rep too, but my best friend has one that is the sweetest and gentlest dog. It all depends on how they were trained and treated, and how they socialized as puppies, AFAIK...
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I doubt that they had to put her down, My dog had 1000+ quills in her and she is fine now. The doctor stopped counting at 1000 (they wanted to charge $1.00 per quill). It took 3 months for all of the quills to migrate through her body and pop out where ever they may.

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

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