
What got you out the door on your first jump?

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Without ever really knowing why we came to the subject a friend and I made reservations for AFF1 at Skydive San Diego. Figured we would do it ONE time...

"Are you ready to skydive????" I knew I wasn't ready to ride the plane back down... I had seen the approach through them lil hill thingers... "YES!!!" and out we went...

The rest is history... OR academic.. OR something...

So much for just one time...

"Uh oh! This is gonna hurt!"

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I've always wanted to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and I wanted to get my money's worth.
If you want to see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the storm. God bless! :)

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1996, "Extreme Skyflyer" ride, at Canada's Wonderland amusement park. It convinced me to try a skydive, which I subsequently did in 1997.

It hung in the back of my mind until I became 31, and gave myself a freefall course for my 31st birthday. ;)
(Mental quote: "I'll regret it more if I don't do this.")

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Without ever really knowing why we came to the subject a friend and I made reservations for AFF1 at Skydive San Diego. Figured we would do it ONE time...

"Are you ready to skydive????" I knew I wasn't ready to ride the plane back down... I had seen the approach through them lil hill thingers... "YES!!!" and out we went...

The rest is history... OR academic.. OR something...

So much for just one time...

Ha! I DID ride the plane back down, so how about that? Rode it back down, with Brook sitting right there with me for moral support. He told me it took a lot more courage to do what I did than it does to exit the plane. Because of that, I'll always think he's just PLAIN F*CKING AWESOME. I went back the next week, did one more tandem with him and then did my first AFF jump (then second and third and fourth...)

Oh, and, by the way, freefall and canopy ride are a hell of a lot less scary than riding the plane back down RIGHT over those mountains at Skydive San Diego.

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What got me out the door was knowing that my b/f-at-the-time had done it the week before. I wasn't about to go home without a log book and a certificate.

I remember thinking "WTF has he gotten me into?" as my JM was telling me to climb out. Of course I understood shortly after letting go of the strut... ;)

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I did eventually get a plane ride back down... On my 5th solo... Dunno why... got to the door, looked out said "Nope not today" and sat back down. In retrospect I should have jumped... Something about right after the last jumper exiting and the resulting dive the plane did registering as an 8 second freefall on my protrack doesnt sit right with me. As a matter of fact Brook was flying camera on that jump... Turkey left me on the plane tho...[:/] KIDDING!!! His jump was paid for so he jumped with a friend and shot video...

Ok nuff hijacking your thread...

Next time ya see Brook Call him "pimp daddy" and tell him Shannon says hey...

OH!!! And Brook is right... It takes courage to stand up (errrrrr sit down) when things arent right in your head...

Ok now I am done hijacking...

"Uh oh! This is gonna hurt!"

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In retrospect I should have jumped...

First of all, hijack away! That's what it's for.

I don't think it's fair to tell yourself you should have jumped. You have to listen to your gut... always. Not just skydiving, but always.

You're right though... you probably should have jumped and it was those damn nerves that got the best of you. :ph34r:

I'll be sure to say hey to Brook, although somehow I just can't picture myself calling him "pimp daddy." I'm sure there's a story to go with THAT one, huh? ;-)

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Ilways wanted to do it, but only ever AFF.
Never could bring myself to spending $500+ on it but for my 39th b/day my wife handed me a gift Cert for and AFF 1 jump
She's regretted that decision ever since:D:D:D:D

3 years on Wednesday since that JumpB| August 10th 2002
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Always wanted to do it. I used to dream about flying (yeah, arms-out superman style :D) from the top of Mt. Diablo (east bay) down into my parents front yard. Also, a great friend from high school was 82nd airborne back in the day. Didn't know how different that jumping was until I got involved in the sport. ;)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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It was something I had always wanted to do for as long as I can remember, Whenever I was at high places I always had this urge to jump. I was one of these kids who made makeshift parachutes out of bedsheets and stuff and jumped out of trees. When I was in my early 20's we got a group together to go skydiving, got a group rate. Then people started to flake out and we didn't have enough people for the group rate, so decided to wait, and it never happened. Then when I turned 50 I decided to celebrate by doing the one thing I'd always wanted to do - skydive. Thought it would be a one time thing, but I got hooked. I regret not trying skydiving sooner.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I was one of these kids who made makeshift parachutes out of bedsheets and stuff and jumped out of trees. When

Two of my neices (7 & 9 yrs) have taken to jumping off of couches, beds, deck railings etc in their "practicing" of skydiving, using bedsheets to fly and mattresses to land on, etc. My brother has given his blessing for them to jump, when they turn 18.:D

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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;) I meant in retrospect I should have jumped to avoid nearly soiling myself from the ride down... I am fairly certain jumping is safer... No wait... I am totaly certain jumping is safer...

No real story to the pimp daddy thing. He calls everyone big pimp so I call him pimp daddy... The whole staff there rocks!!! I can honestly say after my ride down I would not be jumping today if it weren't for some of them. Brook, and Patrick are key in the reason I have gotten as far as I have...

Shoot me a PM and let me know when you will be at the DZ. Or come down Saturday and I will introduce you to some of the riff raff I jump with...

Anyway, knock out the rest of that AFF and get your "A". We are always looking to for someone else to join the mayhem...

Oh!!! Cool home page and stuff too!!!

"Uh oh! This is gonna hurt!"

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