
Opinion Anyone?

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OK... Here's my dilemna. I sent my rig off for modifications about one month ago (they received it on July 6th). After a week or two went by, I had to call them because I still had not heard any information from them regarding how much it would be costing me. I left several messages and still had no response. Finally, they gave me a price. Now, I still have no rig, and no status on it. I call, leave messages, and get no response. When I do talk to someone, he complains that I am calling everyday and the status seems to never change. So, now I want to call them again, but am afraid I am really taking my life into my own hands and trusting them with my rig... Suggestions of what to do??

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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OK... Here's my dilemna. I sent my rig off for modifications about one month ago (they received it on July 6th). After a week or two went by, I had to call them because I still had not heard any information from them regarding how much it would be costing me. I left several messages and still had no response. Finally, they gave me a price. Now, I still have no rig, and no status on it. I call, leave messages, and get no response. When I do talk to someone, he complains that I am calling everyday and the status seems to never change. So, now I want to call them again, but am afraid I am really taking my life into my own hands and trusting them with my rig... Suggestions of what to do??

Who did you send it to? I'm not trying to get some sort of badmouthing thing going on here. There are a ton of skydiving "insiders" that follow these forums that may be able to help expedite things or at least give you a reasonable explanation of what is going on.


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I sent it to Action Air in California. They received it on July 6th, and never told me anything about how long it would take. Seems that the owner/rigger was in Hawaii on vacation when they received my rig, so it sat there for a while collecting dust. But, I don't think they were going to tell me that until I found that out from my DZO. Yeah, I didn't really want to say where I sent it... No badmouthing... Just asking an opinion if I should call AGAIN...

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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I think that points that should be made very clear to you by the company that has your gear are:

1. What modifications are they doing?
2. How much is it going to cost?
3. When do they expect to be finished?

These are 3 very simple questions that should be able to be answered by anyone doing work for a customer. Since they have had your gear for almost 30 days I think it would be very unreasonable if they could not give you those answers.

But please share with us who the company is. Perhaps others may have some insight as to what's going on.
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Ouch.. I hope they send the rig back in one piece... And, I hope the harness is modified and sewed on right... See, I put my life in their hands, so I am not bad mouthing at all. Just curious as to the status of my rig... I NEED it back before Atlanta... I hate having to rent while they have it in their possesion.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Rocking the boat will give you two responses.

1. You get the persons attention
2. You fall out and get wet

Hey When you do get your gear back let me know if they did a good job cause I have a few things I need done to my container.

and I'm out
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Well if you end up in the incidents forum after the rig comes back and it is proven that it was thier fault have no fear cause I printed a copy of this thread and will sue them to make millions and jump 1,000 in your honor...;)

But hopefully they just give you a good deal, great workmanship, and your kit back in time to go play in GA!
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Ouch.. I hope they send the rig back in one piece... And, I hope the harness is modified and sewed on right... See, I put my life in their hands, so I am not bad mouthing at all. Just curious as to the status of my rig... I NEED it back before Atlanta... I hate having to rent while they have it in their possesion.

Not to worry. I did not say anything bad (for once in my life!). Here is the text of the e-mail that I sent:

(Subject: don't know if you guys watch dropzone.com, but...)

...one of your customers is giving you an opportunity to be standup guys:


Can you please respond to her?

Thanks guys.


I'm honestly not trying to generate any hard feelings. This is the middle of the extremely busy season for riggers and sometimes work can fall through the cracks or get placed behind higher priority work.

Sometimes a little gentle nagging helps.


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Yeah, I know it can be back logged at times, but almost a month? And, not only that, but no one had the balls to tell me the rigger was in Hawaii while my rig was just sitting there. On Friday, when he complained that I called every day, he told me my rig was in pieces. That was the most I've gotten out of them in a long while. And, needless to say, they have not ONCE called me, even after I left messages with my number NUMEROUS times. I called them regarding a totally different issue (airport card for the Vigil), and I had to call back for that, because I still had no response. :(

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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It is a Reflex. They were changing (replacing) the main lift webbing and shortening the leg straps. I'm a whopping 5', and I bought it from a guy who was 5'10". He was 170, and I'm smaller than that. ;) I am also having them install a Vigil (which they have in stock), repacking the reserve since they'd have to after the Vigil installation, and minor color changes (new pop top, riser covers). I understand a couple weeks, but almost a month with no updates is driving me nuts!

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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It is a Reflex.

That's kind of a tough one. Didn't Fliteline Systems (the manufacturer of the Reflex) go out of business or get bought out or something (I'm going from very vague memory here)?

If so, do any former principals/associates of Fliteline Systems have any advice?


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That sounds like several somewhat unrelated jobs (i.e. starting one doesn't make the other that much easier). But they should have been able to give you a decent estimate of how long it would take, or just tell you that it's too busy right now and that they'd have to get to it when they got to it.

I'm fighting/working with a repair contractor for my house right now because I didn't get an estimated schedule ahead of time. If they told you "we're busy, you have to send it to us and we can't start on it for a month" what would you have said? That might have been the answer.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Yeah. Fliteline is now Trident, which really isn't in business. Ray Ferrell also owns Action Air, Skydance Skydiving as well as FliteSuit. Reflex containers have to be sent to AA for repairs/modifications.

And, one time I called they told me my rig was the only one back there, but it didn't have any paperwork on it... Doesn't SOUND busy.


"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Ok, I'm replying to myself... I called AA since I have not once received a call from them. They told me that they have no idea what the status is on my rig, but that they were going to call me to get my credit card number. They said they hope to have it out to me by the end of this week... Hopefully I'll get it before Atlanta. I guess we'll see what happens. [:/]

Just updating for anyone who cares...

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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They told me that they have no idea what the status is on my rig, but that they were going to call me to get my credit card number.

Are they working on it or did they send it out to someone. What do they mean they have no idea? I know I will never send anything to them.:|

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that doesnt sound like a cool business.
SKYDIVING is PURELY about customer relations. If the company wants you to send your ?,000 doallr rig to them with no prior meeting than the LEAST THEY can do is give you an estimate keep you informed and understand that the customer will be concerned about their rig.

but I have a question from your last response.
if you called them and they never called back than when did they give you the info you posted? was that the last thing you heard from them or did they FINALLY pick up the phone and give you an answer?
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I called them this afternoon to get SOME info, and they answered. Not once have they picked up the phone to call me though. I have ALWAYS had to call them for any status on my rig. It's been at AA for almost a month... They've had it for 18 business days (they've had it since July 6th), and they're still not done with it. He said they don't know when it'll be done or what still needs to be done... They had a full service repair loft, etc., and didn't send it out. Well, then GO FREAKIN' CHECK THE STATUS FOR ME!! He told me they would call me when my rig is on its way. That was a funny joke... >:(

The rental fees for equipment is killing me!

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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UPDATE EVERYONE!! Action Air charged my credit card and actually CALLED me to tell me they shipped my rig yesterday via UPS RED (which is overnight) because I told them I HAD to have it back this weekend.

I don't know what the work quality looks like, but they did tell me they had a "problem" with the Vigil they ordered for me, and had to order a replacement OR install a Cypres. Needless to say, they didn't install anything for me and I ordered the Vigil through my DZ. Yes, I will have to get the reserve repacked AGAIN, but I would rather jump it with an AAD.

Anyhow, I should be jumping it tonight after work if it all works out OK. I'll just be happy when it's finally back in my hands. :)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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UPDATE EVERYONE!! Action Air charged my credit card and actually CALLED me to tell me they shipped my rig yesterday via UPS RED (which is overnight) because I told them I HAD to have it back this weekend.

I don't know what the work quality looks like, but they did tell me they had a "problem" with the Vigil they ordered for me, and had to order a replacement OR install a Cypres. Needless to say, they didn't install anything for me and I ordered the Vigil through my DZ. Yes, I will have to get the reserve repacked AGAIN, but I would rather jump it with an AAD.

Anyhow, I should be jumping it tonight after work if it all works out OK. I'll just be happy when it's finally back in my hands. :)


I have been thinking about bumping that thread up by asking you how it was going with them.

I do have one question, now that things are starting to look ok--have they done ANYTHING, other than ship overnight, to try and make things right?

In other words, have they given you a price break, offered discounts on future purchases, or APOLOGIZED?

If not, maybe they should change the name to InactionAir.


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Not sure if they did anything... Remember, it's on its way back, and I should have it later today. They SAID they did the color changes, and replaced the main lift webbing. When I called to bother them about when I'd actually get the rig back on Wednesday, they told me Ray (the owner) was in the process of shortening the leg straps. [:/] I'll update again when I get it in my hands...

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Ray (the owner) was in the process of shortening the leg straps


Just to add...Ray wasn't in Hawaii, he was hopping around the country trying to promote the PAC750's he's now selling.;)

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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