
My New Hair design

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Wow, that is cool! Do it yourself or have some help ?

Well actually I made it up the other night and tried it on my cousin .....I'm taking the pics and did the braid....you like..:$I should patton that if it isn't all ready...:o;)

edit to add poser pic..lol :P;)B|

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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Yeah it does look good...although as a guy with short hair, "interesting" is more what comes to mind.

From what little I know about women and long hair, women put their hair up frequently when it is warm since it is cooler (as in not as stifling hot). For that effect, I find the simple bun with one of those spikes through it to keep it together rather intimidating and sexy. You could just pull it out at a moments notice and kill someone if you had to.

But if you were to keep the hair in the braided style for several days, yeah, kinda cool (in both meanings).

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I should patton that if it isn't all ready...:o;)

does that mean you should send a tank division after it across the north african desert?

...i'm sorry; i know...i'm a dork. :D
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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That's pretty cool.

I miss having my sister around to do neat things to my hair. All I know how to do is the very basic braid...

Oh, and if that's you in your avatar and your cousin in those pics, then the two of you look like twins!

Thanx ;) She's a singer too and I'm trying to get her songs out ......she writes plays acoustic. rock punk, rage against machine and everything..it's been 10yrs since we seen each other it was very cool!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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