
it really is a small world

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i met this chick on dz.com and turns out she dated or a friend dated or somethinglike that a guy i knew in highschool..... turns out she lives like 20 minutes from me...... but i met her when i was 2000 miles away... it's alanab....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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A few years back I was skiing in Vermont. I shared a chairlift ride with a couple from Long Island. I asked where on LI they lived. When they mentioned the town I grew up in, I asked what street. They then mentioned the street I grew up on. Sure enough I discovered that they owned the very house I grew up in. They had just purchased it a few months earlier and were remodeling it completely. They told me that if I was ever in the area I could stop by and I could tour the house. The following summer I did just that. I have to say it was weird, because nothing looked the same. They spent 1.4 million and put in another 300K for remodeling. I had to keep a straight face because their taste was really weird. I don't know how to describe the decor but it included AAAAAAAAAAALOT of mirrors!:S

They were cool people though.


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You grew up in a $1.4 mil house? Man! This could be a really small world if you adopted me as your son.

No..it sold for 1.4 mil in '02. I lived in it from birth to college and then my parents sold it in '92. It was a nice house, but the price reflects more the location and the fact that housing on LI is quite over-inflated.


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After my third or fourth static line, we were standing around the landing area waiting for the van ride back to the airport. I mentioned something to a fellow student about snowboarding. Dan, another student, looked over and said, "Wait, did you just learn to snowboard last season?"

I said "yes, up at Stevens Pass." He said, "I thought I recognized you. I was your instructor!" He'd instructed me for my very first lesson, the one where you fall all over the place and wonder "why the hell am I doing this?" I was amazed he remembered me with all the students he has, but he said I had such a positive attitude I stuck in his memory. Awww....
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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There was this guy i went to high school with who was a grade higher then me. Our school hosted a trip to Canada and we met by going on said trip. About a year later i'm doing the family vacation w/ my parents, we took a road trip to Atlanta to visit my aunt and uncle and on the way back we stopped through pigeon forge, TN. I'm in an arcade and sure enough this guy was there playing video games, we hung out for the rest of the day and went on a bungee seat ride and a zip line.

Fast foward to my 2nd or 3rd AFP jump at SDC and I hear my last name shouted from across the hanger. It was him and at the time he had about 75 jumps, people at SDC know him as Phat Matt.

Another time I was at the DZ by myself and everyone was just sitting around the bon fire. I was enjoying my brew just taking the whole expierence in when this girl comes to meet me and gives me a huge hug. Being single at the time I'm thinking hell yeah, these girls are friendly and because of the fire i couldn't see this girls face. Turned out to be an old friend from high school german class. She did her 1st AFP jump the next day, landed in a tree and was lost for several hours. I wish she'd given it a 2nd chance but I haven't seen her in quite some time.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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