
Ghostbusters is on TNT!

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Gozer the Traveler!! He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms! During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving TOR! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant SLOR! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
cavete terrae.

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Man at Elevator: What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut?
Dr. Peter Venkman: (chuckles) No, we're exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve.
Man at Elevator: That's gotta be some cockroach.
Dr. Peter Venkman: It'll bite your head off, man.


Dr. Peter Venkman: We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He's a sailor, he's in New York. We get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble.


Dr. Peter Venkman: She's not my girlfriend... I find her interesting because she's a client and because she sleeps above her covers..four FEET above her covers She barks, she drools, she claws...

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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