
Sex and Casual Dating

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You are single and out and about in the dating scene. You are dating 2 or 3 or however many people.. but its all good because youre casually dating all of them.

Your personality/morals preclude you from having sex with more than one of these people you are dating.

Q: Is it fair to ask the partner you have chosen to sleep with you and only you, while both of you are "allowed" to date others?
ie: "You can date other people, but you can only sleep with me, and I can date other people but I will only sleep with you".

That is until, of course, they, or one of the other people turns in to a more serious relationship.

(Yes, I have my opinion, but I'm trying to be objective here.)

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I think it depends a lot on your gender.

Guys like to have the casual sex. Girls like to have the casual dating. Guys tend to view the date as the work, and the sex as the reward. Girls tend to view the sex as the work, and the date as the reward.

It sounds a bit like asking him to do all the work, but not get the rewards, while you get all the rewards without doing the work.
-- Tom Aiello

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First of all, you can ask that, but the odds that your partner will follow that (unless you're fuck buddies, but that's another story). How could you ensure that they will only sleep with you? Put a monitor on them? I say it's unfair, just from the health perspective. I'm all for getting laid, both well and often, but even I have standards; they're low but they're there.

CK, what is your opinion?
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It's fair, but it's weird. I could never do that. If you only want to have sex with one of them, then that's probably an indication that you don't really like the other one and are just killing time, keeping them on the back burner . . . know what I mean?

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I'd say fair but not really sustainable.

Ill second that. Its doable, but trust can easily become and issue, and once that goes...
well its just gonna get messy then. :|
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I am kind of old school so maybe that’s why I don’t get this.

If you decide to fuck someone but want to date others it means basically your only interest is sex.
So why not have sex with others. If you are not interested in having a serious relationship why only fuck/sorry make love to one person why the restriction?
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Guys tend to view the date as the work, and the sex as the reward. Girls tend to view the sex as the work, and the date as the reward.

Generalize much? ;) I think you're probably right that women on the whole may be less likely to be comfortable with a casual sex arrangement, but there certainly are a lot who can handle it and might prefer it. I think you have to know yourself and what you're comfortable with. Me personally? I don't find casual sex arrangements to be sustainable.

But to say that we view sex as "work" ... well... wow. Last time I checked, if you're doing it right, it's a hell of a lot of fun!
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Nor would I trust him to be with only me if hes going out with other girls.

Bingo. I think if he's having sex with you, then he's having sex with the other girls too, or wants to.
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CK, what is your opinion?

My opinion is that its not fair. I wouldn't ask a guy who I'm only interested in casually to be with only me, when I'm going out with other guys. Nor would I trust him to be with only me if hes going out with other girls.

Sounds like what your describing is a casual sex arrangement, rather then casual dating. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Q: Is it fair to ask the partner you have chosen to sleep with you and only you, while both of you are "allowed" to date others?

Sure, why not? It's fair to ask and tell them what you want; hopefully they will be honest with you about whether they would be comfortable with that situation or not.

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If I am casually dating more than one person, I'm not having sex with any of them. If I'm having sex with someone, I won't be casually dating anyone else, and I would expect the same from him. Maybe I'm just too old for the whole casual sex thing!:S

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If you are asking 1 of the people that you are "casually"dating to only sleep with you then you are wanting more in the terms of a relationship and just not saying it.... If that is the case then come out and say it don't beat around the bush! Sleeping with one person generally indicates the "realtinship" is now exclusive....
Casual dating does not include casual sex... There are always more feelings that come with being sexual intimate with someone (well 9 times out of 10)... Keep that in mind, and IMO I think this is a very very bad idea!! Not fair to want to see other ppl but only sleep with one. If you want it that way then bite the bullet and start dating!!!

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If you want to sleep with him but still date the others, it's clear that the potential is there that you will someday want to sleep with the others.

I suppose that's the day "the one you've chosen" (lol) gets to hear either that: a) you've changed your mind about him not being allowed to sleep around or b) you've decided you can't sleep with him anymore as you'll be test drivin' another for a while... but he can still date you while you're doing so! (also lol)

What I find unfair is that you're trying to set ground rules for him... while casual dating.

Run it by him though, as the ABSOLUTE bottom line is Nothing is unfair that all parties agree to.

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If I am casually dating more than one person, I'm not having sex with any of them. If I'm having sex with someone, I won't be casually dating anyone else, and I would expect the same from him. Maybe I'm just too old for the whole casual sex thing!:S

Bingo! Thats the right way to do it.

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