
I think I'm getting Alzheimer's

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I've got some asparagus in my fridge that is going to go bad soon. So this morning at the gym, I thought about making an egg white omelete with onions and asparagus, maybe a little crushed garlic.

I got home, ate some hard boiled eggs, got ready for work and then left. When I got to the office I decided to use the bathroom. I'm finished up peeing and thought "hmm... no asparagus smell. wait, I didn't EAT the asparagus"

I'm slightly concerned.

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Its the Alzheimers- he simply forgot where he was!;)

Hence the helpful reminder... ;)

Maybe he'll forget his login and password.. :)

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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my question is, by smelling your pee how do you know you ate asparagus? :o

Are you one of those funny people that can't smell asparagus pee? LUCKY!

Taken from http://www.guardian.co.uk/food/story/0,16525,1576765,00.html

Why does my wee smell when I've eaten asparagus?
Karen Marriott, Edinburgh

Friday September 23, 2005
The Guardian

"Asparagus pee" has long been the subject of scientific debate. The problem is that if you ask people if their wee has an unpleasant, sulphurous smell after they've eaten asparagus, half say it does and half say it does not.
Scientists used to believe that people digested asparagus differently and divided them into "excretors" and "non-excretors". We now know that it is not whether or not individuals excrete chemicals that makes the urine smell, but whether an individual can smell these chemicals. Scientists still argue whether or not all of us produce the chemicals that make the asparagus pee odour. Most people certainly produce them, but many can't smell them as they lack the necessary sensory cells in their noses.

The most pungent compounds in asparagus pee are sulphur-containing molecules. How these are formed in the body is also a bit of a mystery. Only one sulphur-containing compound, asparagusic acid, is unique to asparagus. So it must be the way the body deals with this molecule that creates the odorous chemicals in urine. The concentration is greatest in young plants - which fits with the observation that asparagus pee is most pronounced when you eat young, white asparagus.
So if your wee smells after you have eaten asparagus it is because your body deals with asparagusic acid in such a way that it produces smelly chemicals, and you have the ability to smell these.

· Email questions to [email protected]

· Peter Barham is a physicist at Bristol University. His book, The Science of Cooking, is published by Springer.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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When we were teenagers and we'd have slumber parties my friends and I used to eat asparagas and make bets on how long it would take for our pee to stink.

I swear sometimes it happens in 15 minutes or less.

smelling your own pee in unavoidable. smelling others' pee (on purpose) is unnatural.

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You're also very much in the wrong forum. :|

you're entitled to your opinion but you really can't be 100% about that now can you?

Nope, I sure can't. I can be sure however, that this thread does not specifically apply to women, since both men and women get smelly pee from asparagus. I can also be 100% sure that the Women's Forum is more carefully moderated to keep threads and posts relevant to the forum.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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When we were teenagers and we'd have slumber parties my friends and I used to eat asparagas and make bets on how long it would take for our pee to stink.

I swear sometimes it happens in 15 minutes or less.

smelling your own pee in unavoidable. smelling others' pee (on purpose) is unnatural.

We didn't smell each other's pee. :D That's just gross. :P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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