
Neptune <-> Computer logger

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I just got a Neptune and have already logged a couple of jumps while playing around with it. I know Alti-2 recommends Paralog and i am trying it out now (most likely will end up buying it), but I was wondering if anyone has found anything else that compares or if paralog is the only solution available at this time.

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Paralog is the only option. The Neptune's communication protocol is proprietary. The reason they're so careful about it is that the neptune is capable of 2-way communications. In other words, you can write to it. They don't want anyone screwing with the neptune's software, or writing any code that could inadvertantly alter the workings.


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They don't want anyone screwing with the neptune's software, or writing any code that could inadvertantly alter the workings.

Or in other words, they don't want freeware firmware that would do cool stuff, possibly. Stuff like tetris on your Neptune for something to do during those 15 minutes riding to altitude. Or a hack that lets you set a "hook it" alarm where your Neptune flashes "HOOKIT" at a specified altitude.:D
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YOURS doesn't have Tetris?? What version do you have?? I never play tetris on the way up... I prefer Doom3. But that's still in beta.

Naah I don't think they're worried about tetris on the way up... it's tetris on the way down that gets scary. :P


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True, true, BUT, look for the new Titan core from Alti-2. It will feature an open source development platform with an SDK. So.....you could write whatever toys you wanted and then ask for Alti-2 approval stamp if you wanted to distribute.

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I just got a Neptune and have already logged a couple of jumps while playing around with it. I know Alti-2 recommends Paralog and i am trying it out now (most likely will end up buying it), but I was wondering if anyone has found anything else that compares or if paralog is the only solution available at this time.

Well I finally took my hand to it this afternoon, with tools I downloaded for free off the internet. It took me about 6 hours and I'm now at the point where I can view and make my own graphs with unadulterated jump data.

Seems like Paralog does quite a bit of data smoothing... I wonder if a Neptune is more or less jittery than a Protrack. Unfortunately I don't have a Protrack to observe.
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Well I finally took my hand to it this afternoon, with tools I downloaded for free off the internet. It took me about 6 hours and I'm now at the point where I can view and make my own graphs with unadulterated jump data.

Seems like Paralog does quite a bit of data smoothing... I wonder if a Neptune is more or less jittery than a Protrack. Unfortunately I don't have a Protrack to observe.

I noticed the same thing. At about one data point per second in freefall, a simple average doesn't work. I haven't looked too hard for a better algorithm because I am mostly interested in the simpler data (exit and opening altitude, freefall time, etc.).

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