
I quit smoking today

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So today is my first day on the patch, I smoked my last cigarette last night and threw away my lighter. The day is half over and so far so good, but the mental connections made with smoking suck! I had a cup of coffee this morning and almost reached for where my cigarettes would be, I took a walk and was dying to light one up, I ate lunch and again was completely focused on wanting to go outside and have a smoke! This sucks!

Muff Brother 3723

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Jen...hang in there, girl...teh bad part doesn't alst all that long.

I am SO happy to see people quit smiking....wish I ahd the will-power.

Your new mantra:
Smoking sucks and I refuse to screw myself up with it any longer.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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You might want to consider giving up the coffee too. It helps. If you have a problem with the caffeine, you can take caffeine tablets to avoid the headaches.

I just found that the times I quit, it was easier if I gave up everything cigarette related.

Drink lots of water.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I *started* to quit last Monday, went till Friday night till I had a couple after a few beers :S

What a stupid ass habit to have created... and I completely sympathize with you right now.

I've talked to a couple people at my work that went and got hypnotized; one hasn't touched a smoke since that day for 20 years. The other hasn't for 2 years, they both said they basically walked in very skeptical of the hypnosis bit but essentially walked away never willing to pick up another smoke since then...

I'm contemplating the hypnosis bit as I've tried just about every other aid on the market. the patch works ok for me but it gives me a rash so after a couple weeks I have red squares all over that take a couple days to go away (thankfully it's winter right now)...

If I try it I’ll let you know how it works, right now I’m sticking to the patch and my fingernails


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What a stupid ass habit to have created...

Isn't it amazing that someone did this to themself! I made myself this way! It makes me feel week and pathetic to be so dependant on putting poisons and toxins in my body and get no reward what so ever from it (don't get a buzz, and doesn't benifit me nutritionally, and doesn't even taste good, just makes me a stinky smoker)

Muff Brother 3723

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I did it 18 years ago. The mental part was worse than the physical part. If your expirience is anything like mine was, this will continue for about a year. Good luck.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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I quit on Valentines Day in 2005. Well, I am hitting a year here in a few weeks. I didn't use anything, went cold turkey. I had tried the patches, gum, lozenges; however, the patch quits working after a bit and the gum and lozenges tasted nasty. I got tired of smelling gross all the time and my kids were always telling me that I needed to quit (nothing like an 8 year old to tell you what to do).

It's a tough battle, but if you stay with it, you'll be rewarded and feel great about it.

Oh and one of the worst times for me is when I'm drinking. It really helps to have someone to keep you from smoking duirng that time!

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I hope you succeed. I'm currently going on three months (coldturkey). I personally think it's the only way to go. I've gone longer, but i was chewing, and eventually started smoking again. I've also tried the patch before, but had no luck. You would not quit smoking crack by just snorting it. Your just putting off your addiction by still putting the drug into your body. Take a week off work; throw away those patches, and just forget you ever smoked in the first place.

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