
APC UPS Melting Battery

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Made a recent post saying that my computer got rebooted ... well, seems that the battery in the UPS decided to give out and just runnning a battery test caused the same thing to happen again, . So I opened the UPS to check the battery and it looks like it has started melting, the temp inside was pretty hot, and the battery is now leaking from the damage..

ANy idea why the hell this happened? Does anyone who knows about these things think it's worth trying to put a new battery in, .. It's a Smart-UPS 700, so not the cheapest version around, batteries arnt to expensive, but I clearly dont want this same thing to happen again, I cant imagion that it's entirely safe to have a battery go into this condition.

FGF #???
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how old is the ups?

hmm, I got it used probably 4 years ago, this is the second battery, but the first one didnt melt. It also gave me some time of "reduced capacity" before it just shit like this one (i.e. I had the RED replace battery indicator prior to AFTER failure) :S

The ups is probably pretty old, but APC builds some pretty tough shit, I've worked with APC stuff probably 10 years old and never seen this..

FGF #???
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actually, I take that back, I saw a melted battery ONCE, and that was onboard my submarine when we had some "flooding" and this one Smart-UPS 1400 found itself half submerged, power secured, and supplying the submerged things plugged into it off of it's battery ... that was a mess.

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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In approx. ten years of working with medical equipments and CPUs protected by UPS, I have mixed feelings about UPS. I have seen them protect the computers they are designed to protect from surges and power failures. I have also seen them fail causeing the equipment they are supposed to keep powered up to fail. I have also seen them catch fire(once), as well as a few cases of batteries overheating. I have one on my cpu and at a hospital I will change the battery out every two to three years. My personal one I change the battery only when it fails. Failures are usually caused by bad(old) batteries and/or bad charging circuit( supposed to stop charging your battery when it reaches full capacity) either one can cause a battery to overheat.

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