
Non-DZ jumping..

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First...I would like to thank you for being the first person to post in the thread without some assistance, but only negative notes.

Now to answer some of your questions....
1) Profile: Doesnt mean shit to me...I have been in the sport for more than 1 year just incase you were wondering. Also the 19000 jumps is a joke...:)2) I havent seen the plane first hand...however after further discussion with the pilot the door swings forwards and NOT up. brings in a problem...but not a huge one.
3) Please explain to me how it is a bandit jump when I plan on filing all the proper forms to make it legal? explain that to me...seriously...I am waiting?
4) notam....? Is that the one that stands for Notice to Airmen? You know the one that lets people know that a certain activity is taking place at a given time and date in a certain zone of airspace? Nope..never heard of it...teach me please.

Nope I personally have no experience in spotting...I mean after 19000 jumps just going off the green light I mean do really need that experience?

Next time either offer solutions to problems or recommendations. People who just show the problems without offering solutions are a waist of time...so either offer one up, give an example from your own past experience, or stay the fuck out...seems pretty simple to me.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Spence...you and others have been extremely helpful and I appreciate that a lot.

So thanks...:)
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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lol.....I will try not too.

I am going to take all the risks into account and limit them as much as possible.

If there is a big deterant I will not do it...my main concern and reason for maybe not doing it is not wanting to risk my friends pilots license.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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As long as all the paperwork is in order you should be good to go. Hopefilly though you have someone on the ground who can put a couple of markers out, maybe pop some smoke to indicate wind dirrection.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Corn hurts.File a NOTAM with the local flight service station and have your buddy talk to ATC right before the jump.Do you plan to remove a door from the plane?
file your notam at least 1 hour before jump time and no more than 24 hours before, and keep an eye out for air traffic because alot of pilots dont get flight info from flight service.

Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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I've done this, out of a 206, on property owned by friends, several times. He just took the door off for that jump, and it was an ex jump pilot and jump plane from our DZ.

A NOTAM is necessary, but other than that, if the pilot knows what he's doing, and how exiting jumpers will effect his flying, I don't see the problem, that is, if the door is workable. If you have to hold it open in the wind stream, that could be sketchy.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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First...I would like to thank you for being the first person to post in the thread without some assistance, but only negative notes.

Now to answer some of your questions....
1) Profile: Doesnt mean shit to me...I have been in the sport for more than 1 year just incase you were wondering. Also the 19000 jumps is a joke...:)2) I havent seen the plane first hand...however after further discussion with the pilot the door swings forwards and NOT up. brings in a problem...but not a huge one.
3) Please explain to me how it is a bandit jump when I plan on filing all the proper forms to make it legal? explain that to me...seriously...I am waiting?
4) notam....? Is that the one that stands for Notice to Airmen? You know the one that lets people know that a certain activity is taking place at a given time and date in a certain zone of airspace? Nope..never heard of it...teach me please.

Nope I personally have no experience in spotting...I mean after 19000 jumps just going off the green light I mean do really need that experience?

Next time either offer solutions to problems or recommendations. People who just show the problems without offering solutions are a waist of time...so either offer one up, give an example from your own past experience, or stay the fuck out...seems pretty simple to me.


No problem sonny,, I'm happy to be a voice of common sense... What some people define as "negative" others define as "warning lights".
First of all I'm responding to your original post
which mentions nothing about a NOTAM ( that's brought up by others) hence i called it bandit.
as to your points, above....
1.Oh so you've been in the sport MORE than a year.. My mistake...That certainly qualifies you as an Expert... And while profiles may not mean shit to you, your profile ( Of course I realize 19.000 jumps is a JOKE... a BAD one, AND an insult to anyone who HAS made 19,000 jumps) dilutes whatever credibility you think you may have.
2. you haven't seen the plane... but now we know the door swings OUT not Up... Ever try to push open a cessna door and then safely HOLD it open so you can pass through it?? ,,, without snagging something,,,, or having it smash against you as you leave???? I bet Not... Well I HAVE safely pushed a door like that open, outta a c172 3 times and out of a triPacer twice...and safely completed each exit,, wasn't easy:|:| and i had a very experienced jump pilot working WITH me...
So......better be careful.......:o
3. your orignal post never mentioned ANYthing about filing ANYthing.. hence my position.
4. "teach me please".... Not on your life buster....
I'm not willing to teach you a thing... you sound like you know it all already...good luck. don't jam an ankle trying to "run it out" in this "mowed cornfield.."..
If it were me,, i'd file the NOTAM for the field,, but then land it on the back lawn,, right next to the picnic table... where i'd arrange ahead of time to have a cold one waiting for me.....But YOU go ahead and land out in the lower 40......
like I said earlier... have at it.... jmy from NY
ps. I will apologize for the gloomy tone of
my post(s) but I have seen far too many "go go go" type skydivers, ( you Know who you are ) get themselves into "demo" situations or "alternate site " fun jumps which turn out different than what they planned....sometimes with less than perfect results...... I guess I'm jaded..,, but what the hell do I know????...... j

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No problem sonny,, I'm happy to be a voice of common sense... What some people define as "negative" others define as "warning lights".
First of all I'm responding to your original post
which mentions nothing about a NOTAM ( that's brought up by others) hence i called it bandit.
as to your points, above....
1.Oh so you've been in the sport MORE than a year.. My mistake...That certainly qualifies you as an Expert... And while profiles may not mean shit to you, your profile ( Of course I realize 19.000 jumps is a JOKE... a BAD one, AND an insult to anyone who HAS made 19,000 jumps) dilutes whatever credibility you think you may have.
2. you haven't seen the plane... but now we know the door swings OUT not Up... Ever try to push open a cessna door and then safely HOLD it open so you can pass through it?? ,,, without snagging something,,,, or having it smash against you as you leave???? I bet Not... Well I HAVE safely pushed a door like that open, outta a c172 3 times and out of a triPacer twice...and safely completed each exit,, wasn't easy:|:| and i had a very experienced jump pilot working WITH me...
So......better be careful.......:o
3. your orignal post never mentioned ANYthing about filing ANYthing.. hence my position.
4. "teach me please".... Not on your life buster....
I'm not willing to teach you a thing... you sound like you know it all already...good luck. don't jam an ankle trying to "run it out" in this "mowed cornfield.."..
If it were me,, i'd file the NOTAM for the field,, but then land it on the back lawn,, right next to the picnic table... where i'd arrange ahead of time to have a cold one waiting for me.....But YOU go ahead and land out in the lower 40......
like I said earlier... have at it.... jmy from NY
ps. I will apologize for the gloomy tone of
my post(s) but I have seen far too many "go go go" type skydivers, ( you Know who you are ) get themselves into "demo" situations or "alternate site " fun jumps which turn out different than what they planned....sometimes with less than perfect results...... I guess I'm jaded..,, but what the hell do I know????...... j

OK....First off you do not know me and do not know my jumping charactoristics. I am not a go go go jumper. I try to understand the risks of everything that I am about to do. Now to answer some of the things you mentioned.....

1) If I was an expert I wouldnt have come on here in the first post asking peoples thoughts would I? No I would have ahead and done the jump, posted photos and then moved on. I never claimed to be an expert...you made me one. Dont assume or else you make...nevermind.

2)Again..negative. Here is a clue for you. Next time you post make is something along the lines of...."When I jumped it was very difficult to get the door open, and that would appear to be the difficult thing in this situation. Try to spend hours with the plane before hand learning. Discuss with the pilot the ways to open the door...when I did it was hard, we actually took the door off." See now that helpful....not negative. You have done it...share how you did it. Get it?
3) OK...so instead of recommending it you immediatly took the opportunity to call it out? I planned on it and therefore didnt post on it.
4) It is this mentality that will make me leaving the place as a forum and this sport as a whole. People come here and ask for advice on things. I am not a know it all, I love to learn...the BIGGEST problem with this sport is true know it alls that dont want to share their knowledge to help out a fellow jumper?

Your posts are not gloomy...they are poking holes. They poke holes instead of offering up solutions. Solutions to problems are what keeps people alive, poking holes does nothing but hold your knowledge to yourself and keep others in the dark from evolving.


EDIT: Post edited out of respect for jimmytavino..My apologies man, but when you make judgements about someone expect the same in return.:)
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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When as a lurker watching the dropzone forums, I have noticed that a negative attitude is often given to jumpers that does not contain accurate information in the profiles. There are frequently legitimate reasons why a jumper has to anonymize, but the world is full of skeptical people and it is just easy to leave the sport because of the flak given by others. It may help if you filled at least approximations of your skill level (i.e. If you are a 1000 jumper, then round numbers to the nearest 100, and indicate license A/B/C/D without specifying number). Then at least you stay anonymous, but people are no longer picking on you. It's just the dropzone.com culture to not trust people with blank information...

I am a newbie (but with accurate information recorded in my profile) so I don't have any experience doing demo jumps. However, my dropzone has a cornfield immediately adjacent to the landing area. So being a few meters off the landing field means going into a cornfield. I have landed in it, near it, or walked through it, enough time to learn a lot. So let me make an observation about cornfields sometimes being deceiving. After it was freshly mowed (mechanically with some sort of cheap old combine probably), there were really sharp stalk remants (i.e. 6 to 12 to 18 inches of sharp, dried cut leftover cornstalk poking out of ground). Could severely cut my leg on landing, it looks almost as strong and sharp as a jagged broken broomstick pole poking out of the ground. Times thousands of these scary jagged remains of stalks of a mowed cornfield left to dry out and harden for a couple weeks. It looks like broken dried and hardened bamboo stalks with sharp edges if not mowed fully to the ground, cornstalk hardens surprisingly well after drying. Heaven forbid butt landings -- gulp. Haven't landed in a cornfield in that condition yet but it's easy to rather land in fresh tall corn than a field dense with sharp mowed dried cornstalk leftovers. Unless, it was freshly tilled or past the winter so that the dead sharp cornstalk leftovers were gone. Or that a good combine mowed it all the way to the ground very cleanly, I'd have to visit and inspect the field myself to be completely comfortable landing there (a good idea for any non-DZ jump, I'm sure!). I sure learned a lot about cornfields as a first-year skydiver only because the cornfield is next to the landing area. Fortunately I stopped landing there after the corn grew more than 2.5 feet tall. :) (Without a location in your profile, it's a bit hard to even make a wild guess about cornfield state in your part of the world). This paragraph is also addressed to all skydivers about the hidden dangers of cornfield landings.

Someday I wanna do demo jumps, but I realize that these kinds of unexpected pitfalls like these, the field that looks good from the air actually is a minefield, etc. And I am too low jump to really learn swooping in full swing. I've focussed my learning efforts on RW.

And of course, since I am a newbie -- I don't carry much reputation here, of course -- so it is probably best to ignore me -- but I enjoy being on dropzone.com especially during these winter months where I can't easily skydive here in Canada!

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You might want to check out the LZ up close and personal - cut corn can puncture tires, tilled fields can land like rocks (sharp rocks).

I'd also recommend not swooping the machinery shed - but hey as long as the story ends " . . . and I got laid", what the hell.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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4) It is this mentality that will make me leaving the place as a forum and this sport as a whole. People come here and ask for advice on things. I am not a know it all, I love to learn...the BIGGEST problem with this sport is true know it all dickwads that dont want to share their knowledge to help out a fellow jumper.....sound like someone you know?

Your posts are not gloomy...they are poking holes. They poke holes instead of offering up solutions. Solutions to problems are what keeps people alive, poking holes does nothing but hold your knowledge to yourself and keep others in the dark from evolving.


1. hmmmm. well first of all I do NOT "know it all"
I might know more than you do... but i don't know it all......
2. please retract that rude name,,, you called me...as it is inaccurate....And I have been sharing my knowledge in this sport for a time which is likely longer than you have been on this planet...:|
3. poking holes in bad ideas might be a GOOD thing...:o
4. as for 'evolving'..... lemme know , if you ever get there...cause 'natural selection' is out there waiting and ready to pounce on those 'less than fit' ...... happens all the time..... year after year.
peace................................... j

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1. hmmmm. well first of all I do NOT "know it all"
I might know more than you do... but i don't know it all......
2. please retract that rude name,,, you called me...as it is inaccurate....And I have been sharing my knowledge in this sport for a time which is likely longer than you have been on this planet...:|
3. poking holes in bad ideas might be a GOOD thing...:o
4. as for 'evolving'..... lemme know , if you ever get there...cause 'natural selection' is out there waiting and ready to pounce on those 'less than fit' ...... happens all the time..... year after year.
peace................................... j

1) no one knows it all....That is the point of this forum. To Discuss what we all know and what we all dont know and to learn...when you dont offer up any good solutions to a problem that is know it does no one any good.

2) I retracted the statedment out of respect for you from the last post, that changes down below though. However....You have been in this sport for longer than I have and it is people like you who should offer up knowledge to us other who are newer in the sport. Share how you got the door opened, share how you kept it open...dont just tell me you did it. Help me understand how you did and we can discuss it.

3) Poking holes does nothing. It is not productive and doesnt serve anyone for the better. Poking holes is a waist of time. Instead of poking the hole discuss why there is a hole or could be a hole in the future.

4) Wow....where do I go from this one? I will replace my state of you as a dickwad now. Think of what you just said? I will die because I asked questions and seeking an answer? I know my limits, I know my skill levels...if I didnt feel 100% confident that myself or someone else would get hurt I wouldnt do it. Just so you know how crazy and on the edge I am...I am still flying a 210 instead of advancing to the 170 per advice from some fellow jumpers. Why? I dont feel the need to...I want to "master" my 210 before I ever try anything smaller.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I had planned on making many walk throughs of the DZ to check for things in the ground and such. i was also going to see if they would flatten it should there be groves from the movers and such.

Thanks for the PM's of people offering up other helpful thoughts on this as well as the people who share their knowledge for others to learn.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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4) It is this mentality that will make me leaving the place as a forum and this sport as a whole. People come here and ask for advice on things. I am not a know it all, I love to learn...the BIGGEST problem with this sport is true know it all dickwads that dont want to share their knowledge to help out a fellow jumper.....sound like someone you know?

Your posts are not gloomy...they are poking holes. They poke holes instead of offering up solutions. Solutions to problems are what keeps people alive, poking holes does nothing but hold your knowledge to yourself and keep others in the dark from evolving.


1. hmmmm. well first of all I do NOT "know it all"
I might know more than you do... but i don't know it all......
2. please retract that rude name,,, you called me...as it is inaccurate....And I have been sharing my knowledge in this sport for a time which is likely longer than you have been on this planet...:|
3. poking holes in bad ideas might be a GOOD thing...:o
4. as for 'evolving'..... lemme know , if you ever get there...cause 'natural selection' is out there waiting and ready to pounce on those 'less than fit' ...... happens all the time..... year after year.
peace................................... j

My God Jimmy!!

He came here asking good questions to help him do this safely. This isn't like he's asking how to base jump on his 30th jump, he's asking about legitimate shit. I share his disgust in your responses, truly despicable, you should reread your shit and be ashamed.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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I am NOT ashamed of what i said....
are you Kidding me?????

trying to do a bad idea safely
does not make it a good idea...
some things don't need to be done.....

the guy shows a profile which doesn't let us know whether he has 90 jumps or 900...

he talks about a buddy who 'owns a plane' and he wants to jump out of it....
i ask in an earlier post,, has the pilot EVER dropped jumpers?... No answer. I ask Has the pilot EVER flown with the door off or open? no answer...
I sound negative,, cause i do not explain myself.. yet the original poster does not explain himself...
OFFSITE jumps are not always a good idea....
Add in the inexperience factor of the pilot and maybe even of this jumper....the poor terrain on which the landing is planned,, the need to push open the door of the plane to safely exit....:S
My instincts tell me there are tooooo many IFS here...
for what????? to land on some lot out in the middle of nowhere???? Dropzones are where we should skydive, unless a legitimate demo has been planned and then many many details need to be addressed, including the use of Pro Rated jumpers....Is this person pro rated???
Sorry that you feel like I am jumping down this guys' throat..... don't shoot the messenger cause you don't like the message....

I will not encourage any jump out of a nonjump aircraft, with a non jump pilot, by someone whose experience level is uncertain....or at least unsubstantiated by profile info....
and boostedXT,,,, as for a "fake" d # .. why would you even do that??? you either have the lic. or you don't.... you either have the experience or you don't... where I come from there is no place for "fake" or for "deceit" I just tell it like it is...
sorry if I irritated you... that is not a reason to call me a nasty name.....
If you feel like it is the right thing to do,Go make your jump....I just thought that "barnstorming" went out of favor years ago....
good luck.. jmy

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Jimmy T.
I may not know you but I do agree with you. There were some areas of post deleted before I read them so I make this statement based on what is available now.
to original poster:
As for the original poster you really should take into account what someone with 34 years in the sport has to say.

Dude just be really careful before you do this. I have worked ground crew on several demos and jumped several. There are alot of factors that come into play even with the proper aircraft and experienced jump pilot. Of course the size of the area you are jumping is alot larger than a typical demo area you still should have an experienced diver on the ground in comms or least some sort of signal (smoke) for wind direction and in case for whatever reason, to abort the jump.
I think fun jumps like this are great if done safely and under the guidance of experience.
Have fun and be safe.

Home of the Alabama Gang

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I would never disregard the knowledge that someone has given me. I have jumped with some great people who have shared some great knowledge and I hold that knowledge very close. However...has he offered any recommendation as to make the jump less iffy? No...he has done none of the sort. he has poked holes without offering solutions. Explain to me where I should learn from that and I will gladdly head what you have to say.

I was going to mark the landing zone with tarps in an X. I considered smoke for wind direction as well. Their house has plenty of flags and so on, but I would prefer to see something from higher up and make a decision based on the info. Is there a way to lessen the risks of the door? It seems the hardest part of the whole thing is the door. people have told me they just dove out, others say they took it off...is there an easier way to do this?

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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trying to do a bad idea safely
does not make it a good idea...

OFFSITE jumps are not always a good idea....

My instincts tell me there are tooooo many IFS here...

don't shoot the messenger cause you don't like the message....

Well, which is it, a bad idea or not always a good idea? Non DZ jumps can be very safely done with the proper preparation, AND YOU KNOW IT! Don't try to pretend otherwise.

Your posts in this thread are non constructive criticizm. The equivalent of calling a base jumper a Fucking Moron because you happen to think his sport has too high a risk factor, instead of perhaps suggesting ways to mitigate the risk factor.

You're insticts are not what are being requested by this jumper, it is your experience that he was trying to tap, and in a very reasonable tone, you threw it in his face.

Even 34 years of experience can speak like three years. It's up to you to convey that experience in how you behave, speak, and pass on info. If you choose to act as you did in this thread, then your exprience means NOTHING to the circumstance at hand.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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I was going to mark the landing zone with tarps in an X.

um... so um... I know this guy that landed near a tarp that was set up to "mark" the landing area... (so it could be distunguished from altitude.) he broke his leg in the last 5 or so ft of his landing.

So don't land right next to the X... :P

There are a lot of things that can go wrong doing something like this... some day I would like to jump onto some beach front my family owns in Michigan but... I'm willing to wait until I have the experience to do it... (and that's likely to mean that I'll wait until I have a pro-rating...) and then I would give up on the idea if my "Knowledge and Experience" suggested it was a bad idea...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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You may want to have the owner of the aircraft check if his planes insurance will be valid if something happens as he's droping you. Some insurance companies will cancel insurance policies against planes if they drop jumpers from them. Balloonists frequently complain about that issue around here. They would love to take us, but the fear of losing their insurance is too great for them to risk it.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Thanks phree...I was unaware of that. My biggest concern of this whole thing is his license as a pilot. I would do nothing to risk that.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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