
Obsessive Compulsive Anyone???

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*When I listen to music in my car, the volume has to be in even numbers. odd

Don't you mean even? :P:P:D:D

I wouldn't worry too much... next time you're in the car try driving with the volume on an odd number... if you can successfully do it then you've got nothing to worry about...

On the other hand... if you can't... you might have a problem.

Personally, when I discover things like this about myself... I'll change the "habit" just out of spite.

What I find funny is that people (at least here in the U.S.) will often go out of their way to pass one another such that we are on the left side of each other... its fun to screw with people and force them to pass on the "wrong" side... :ph34r:
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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My friends are convinced that I am.

One of them even went as far as to buy a book about it so he could study up and "prove" to me that I was obsessive compulsive.

Having been around you, and around people who have OCD, I am pretty sure you don't. Your friends are probably just slobs.

This person, on the other hand:


Hey All;
I dont unually post but this is one I need to get an opinoin on;
1) Change my socks 5 times a day, sometimes more. No foot odor etc. just feel like they need to be changed so often.
2) When I go to bed or leave my apt to ensure the stove is of I have to touch each of the controls not just look for the light.
3) I have 5 alarms set each morning to get up with and I check them each multiple times.
4) When I sit in my truck I will not drive till I readjust myself in the seat even if I end up in the same place I started.

I would advise to get some help.

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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I think the term "obsessive compulsive disorder" gets overused and applied to folks like its a bad thing.

From my group of friends:

1) Loves words that come out balanced, like "MARKET BASKET" (MAR-KET BAS-KET).
2) Likes things in groups of threes...like three knocks on a door, or three sets of three knocks on a door. Never will this person knock three times twice. God forbid they knock an extra time after the three sets of three one...they would need to knock like 17 more times to make it three-sets-of-three-sets-of-three.
3) Spins a plate of food around and eat it from any direction other than the way it was served
4) Adds up large numbers into one single number...like 1445554 would be 28. Then uses the number 28 to remember the original number.
5) Collects "wee" things (like "homies"), then hides them in her apartment, forgets where they were hidden (for real, like a squirrel), then finds them years later and gets really "giddy" over finding them.
6) Will not own more than one gun of the same caliber. This is to avoid any semblance of "hording". This person now owns one each of: 12 guage, .45, 9mm, .380, 7.62X39, .22, 8mm (I think...its an authentic German Mauser)

There are more, I'm sure. Fun people. I'll take them over someone without any quirks any day.

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My friends are convinced that I am.

One of them even went as far as to buy a book about it so he could study up and "prove" to me that I was obsessive compulsive.

Having been around you, and around people who have OCD, I am pretty sure you don't. Your friends are probably just slobs.

This person, on the other hand:


Hey All;
I dont unually post but this is one I need to get an opinoin on;
1) Change my socks 5 times a day, sometimes more. No foot odor etc. just feel like they need to be changed so often.
2) When I go to bed or leave my apt to ensure the stove is of I have to touch each of the controls not just look for the light.
3) I have 5 alarms set each morning to get up with and I check them each multiple times.
4) When I sit in my truck I will not drive till I readjust myself in the seat even if I end up in the same place I started.

I would advise to get some help.

What kind of help are you advising? Therapy at 12,000 feet? Want to give me a hand with that :ph34r:

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I have to answer a ringing phone I just can't let it ring for the machine to get it. I'm always checking my cell to see if I have forgotten to take it off vibrate. I have this thing about communication and always needing to be in the loop.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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When I bought a new toolbox I absolutley could not rest until every drawer was precisely organized. Every once in a while a coworker will ask me to grab a tool out of their box and the chaos I find there makes me slightly sick to my stomach. Tools rolling all over each other, wrenches in the same drawer with scewdrivers, sockets out of order!>:(>:(

How can anybody work like that?


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Hey All;
I dont unually post but this is one I need to get an opinoin on;
1) Change my socks 5 times a day, sometimes more. No foot odor etc. just feel like they need to be changed so often.
2) When I go to bed or leave my apt to ensure the stove is of I have to touch each of the controls not just look for the light.
3) I have 5 alarms set each morning to get up with and I check them each multiple times.
4) When I sit in my truck I will not drive till I readjust myself in the seat even if I end up in the same place I started.


Now you're talking!

Here's a few for you.

1.) Set wrist alarm exactly 24 times every night.
2.) When in video store, act like you're looking at movies that are turned the wrong way so you can put them back straight.
3.) Hang towels and wash clothes with the little tag to the back left.

I know SOMEONE like this! no names mentioned.

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When I have sex, I have to make sure she has at least 35 orgasms. Is that bad?:)


Only if she actually dies of bliss. :|

Wouldn't that make me feel silly about my little OCD thing?:D


Silly, and rather inconvenienced, what with a corpse in your bed and all... :S


Ew. [:/]

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Silly, and rather inconvenienced, what with a corpse in your bed and all... :S


Ew. [:/]

It's absolutely killing me to do this but I'm going to resist the temptation to make some tasteless remarks.

I feel so ashamed but somehow feel :) too.

But you know, if I were to make some tasteless remarks, they would be something about me being able to fall asleep without getting nagged to cuddle or talk or about not having to sleep in the wet spot, or stuff like that.

I'm not going to make jokes like that, though:).


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