
Movie quotes:

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Blazing Saddles!!

God I hope that is right...:$

Damn!!!! Close though...

I suck. [:/]

BZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttt! WRONG! :ph34r:
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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"What knockers!"

"Sank you, Herr doktor"

Where's Frau Blucher?


Oh, hello Doktor! Vould you like a roll in ze hay? Roll! Roll! Roll in ze hay!

He must have an enormous Schwanstueker!

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Yes, I'm bring this back up because I'm drunk and bored.

"I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you."
"Fuck that. I'll take a good ass-pounding over a bj any day." -- pyrotech

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"I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang."
"Fuck that. I'll take a good ass-pounding over a bj any day." -- pyrotech

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This should be easy...

"Are either of you...homosexuals?"

"You mean...'flaming'?"

"It's a standard question"

"No, were not homosexual, but we are willing to learn"

"Would they send us someplace special?

Stripes. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Let's thank our Big Toe, Sgt Hulka.

ok here are my contributions:

"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war for dying for his vounty. he won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

"We walk from here!"

"I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men."

"Last I heard, there were a billion screaming Chinamen"

"Let's do it for Johnny, man. We'll do it for Johnny! "

"You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history."

"I'm glad. Hopefully it means we can cut out the part of the conversation where you're wondering how full of shit I am"

"Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick. "

"The diamond, Lao. The deal was for the diamond!"

"you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin education you coulda got for a dollah fifty in late chahges at the public library"

"The mind plays tricks on you. You play tricks back! It's like you're unraveling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting... "

"This afternoon, we walked into a fruit store, and the clerk thinks I'm some out-of-town hick. "Those apples will be two bucks each", he tells me. I pass over a five. And as he's about to give me a dollar change, I say "keep it, we're even. On the way in, I stepped on a grape"

"Do be careful! Don't lose any of that stuff. That's concentrated evil. One drop of that could turn you all into hermit crabs."

"Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator. "

"No, I'm serious. This is a serious exercise. It's like an SAT question. Which one is going to get to the hundred dollar bill first? The male-friendly lesbian, the man-hating dyke, Santa Claus, or the Easter bunny?"

"All right. But you tell that slag, that in the ghetto, washing non colourfast synthetics at 60 degrees could cost you your life.

"If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not. And if you ever interrupt me whilst I'm walking, I'll cut your fucking jacobs off."

"Saturday, Donny, is Shabbas, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking roll!"

"Look what I got! I mean look at me! You got everything, man! Come on! Look what I got to fucking go around with, fucking diapers! I shit my pants everyday! I can't walk, I can't hump... you know? Go ahead and kill me, you COCKSUCKER! "

"And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture. "

"Earthman, your Mickey Mouse is one big stupid dope!"

"Telephone call? Telephone call? That's communication with the outside world. Doctor's 'discretion'. Nuh-uh. Look, hey - all of these nuts could just make phone calls, they could spread insanity, oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all these poor sane people, infecting them. Wackos everywhere, plague of madness."

that is all I have got for now ;)

jeff D-16906

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Some great quotes, in no order.

12 Monkeys. Chasing Amy, Indiana Jones/Temple of Doom, Red Dawn, Indiana again, Pee Wees Big Adventure, Patton, F'ing MallRats, Good Morning Vietnam, True Romance. One Hour Photo. That a Time Bandits in there too?

Whats strange is that I watched most of these movies this week.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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"you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin education you coulda got for a dollah fifty in late chahges at the public library"

-Good Will Hunting

"If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?"

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"I'm gonna have to be taking your car today. See I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have for this here vehicle."

"I'm not callin' you a chicken fucker but that boy over there looks sexually frustrated, and I don't approve of chicken fucking. "

"West, keep the British accent out of your pros. Don't take advantage of the fact that your uncle owns the paper."

"You're all gonna die. The only question is how you check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your fuckin' knees... begging? I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say *fuck* that thing!"

"This is blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left. And I'm ready for war."

"Don't do that! Look, you asked me to act natural, and I'm acting as natural - in fact, under the circumstances, I think I ought get a fuckin' Academy Award for how natural I'm acting. "

"He's a nut-bag! Just because the fucker's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda! "

"I changed my mind... call me the Claw of Ling Chou! "

"When suddenly an unconscious Argentinean fell through my ceiling. "

"Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me. "

"I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies."

"Hello, Edward. You don't have to be afraid of me. I know what it's like being different. Only they won't pick on you anymore... or beat you up. I'll see to that. All you have to do is take my hand. "

I'll stop there.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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Don't have time to check if these are on here already but...


"There's many a slip 'twixt a cup and a lip."

"...well some men are longer than others."
"Ahhh, your mother been tellin stories about me again?!"

"If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?"

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