
anyone got a good way to curb carb cravings?

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Know any good ways to shut down the cravings?


Eat what you're craving. Keep working out and don't worry about it.

Too much protein is hard on your renal system. If you're working out 5 days a week you should be eating both lean protein and carbs.

Just like mom says, "Everything in moderation."

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I may be dyslexic... I thought Mmmm.... Craving Crabs.

Sweet delicious snow crabs. Damn you Discovery channel and your deadliest catch!

Then I saw carbs. Damn. Drink a lot of diet soda. You'll have to piss so bad, you can forget about eating.

Man I wish I could get some crab legs at this time of night....

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the reason you are craving carbs, is mainly because there are a vital necesity for your body to function, i.e. if you work out 5 times a week and try to cut cabs to a minimum you are doing more harm than good. The best way to become really lean and tone is to eat lean protein, and a good ammount of it, and lots or carbs, while working out alot, if you truely work out 5 times a day, you wont eat enough cabs to cause you to gain weight (atleast bad weight, i.e. fat) it will allow you to have a more efficient workout and you will burn fat faster and build muscle faster than trying to cut carbs, where your body begins to digest itself, not to mention what will happen when you slow your workouts or start eating cabs again (btw you will gain the weight back very fast)

Moral of the story the best way to cut the craving is to give into it, its more healthy that way anyways

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Stay away from the simple carbs and your cravings for them will go down. At least that's been my experience.
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Know any good ways to shut down the cravings?


Eat what you're craving. Keep working out and don't worry about it.

Too much protein is hard on your renal system. If you're working out 5 days a week you should be eating both lean protein and carbs.

Just like mom says, "Everything in moderation."

I do eat plenty (IMO) carbs and don't use any protein supplements at all. The problem with carb cravings, though, is that moderation does not enter the picture. I will not stop with a few slices of bread--I'll eat the whole loaf and still want more.

I don't get carb cravings all that often, maybe every couple of weeks, but when I get 'em, they're not easily satisfied or suppressed.


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I may be dyslexic... I thought Mmmm.... Craving Crabs.

Sweet delicious snow crabs. Damn you Discovery channel and your deadliest catch!

Then I saw carbs. Damn. Drink a lot of diet soda. You'll have to piss so bad, you can forget about eating.

Man I wish I could get some crab legs at this time of night....

Shit, now I'm craving crabs too--thanks a lot!!!

I generally only allow myself to drink one diet soda a day, and that's before a workout to boost my energy levels a little bit.

Chesapeake Bay crabs, yeah! I could forget all about carbs for some steamed Chesapeake Bay crabs!!!


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Walt -

Are you SURE it's carb cravings, or just "crunch cravings"?

Try a handfull of pork rinds... you may just want some "crunch".

Hard to say, but I like your idea.

I was in the grocery store thinking I could really go for a loaf of bread or a bunch of tortillas or a few candy bars or a huge bag of tortilla chips or even a whole carton of orange juice.

I never really thought about the crunch thing, but I'm gonna keep that in mind for the future. I *like* that idea!


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the reason you are craving carbs, is mainly because there are a vital necesity for your body to function, i.e. if you work out 5 times a week and try to cut cabs to a minimum you are doing more harm than good. The best way to become really lean and tone is to eat lean protein, and a good ammount of it, and lots or carbs, while working out alot, if you truely work out 5 times a day, you wont eat enough cabs to cause you to gain weight (atleast bad weight, i.e. fat) it will allow you to have a more efficient workout and you will burn fat faster and build muscle faster than trying to cut carbs, where your body begins to digest itself, not to mention what will happen when you slow your workouts or start eating cabs again (btw you will gain the weight back very fast)

Moral of the story the best way to cut the craving is to give into it, its more healthy that way anyways

I *do* eat carbs with nearly every meal and I'm eating 5+ meals a day. I also try and have some carbs before I workout. A couple of slices of bread, for example.

The problem with the cravings is that if I give into them I have no restraint, whatsoever and I do end up putting on body fat.


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Stay away from the simple carbs and your cravings for them will go down. At least that's been my experience.

You may have hit on something. During the week I drink a lot of fruit juice at work but only rarely drink any at home. I hadn't had any all weekend, so maybe I'd better cut out the fruit juice (grapefruit, cranberry) at work during the week and just stick with water.


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You may have hit on something. During the week I drink a lot of fruit juice at work but only rarely drink any at home. I hadn't had any all weekend, so maybe I'd better cut out the fruit juice (grapefruit, cranberry) at work during the week and just stick with water.


if you are drinking 100% fruit juice that havent been artificially flavored or sweetened then those are fine for carbs, fructose takes significantly longer to metabolize than does sucrose or glucose(obviously), esentially the carbs from fruit juices are still good carbs, but they are simple they make for a good quick energy boost in the morning or right before a work out. And also drinking a diet soda before a work out, if it is sweetened with artificial sweetner, i.e. sweet'n'low or equal, or some dirivative thereof, isnt likely to give you an energy boost, because those act as catalysts of sorts on the tounge, they pass out of your system unchanged unmetabolized, essentially they trick you into thinking something is sweet. They do it by magnifying your tastebuds sensitivity which is why there is also often a bitter after taste associated with them. Dunno exactly what you drink but hope that helps. Sorry i dunno how to help with the insatiable craving for breads.

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I'm fond of those 100 calorie packs of cookie crisps, crackers and popcorn. You can usually satisfy your carb craving with just eating the little bag and not find yourself eating a whole box of something.
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That's horrible! Wow, I'm speechless. That girl needs serious help.

And so do all the girls who replied. I've never seen anything like that. I thought for sure the replies would read "Congrats on gaining the 30 pounds".

Models do NOT look like that. But, I don't think that's what the respondants are striving for. What a terrible disease.

That really made me tear up. When someone very close to you gets a jaded view of herself (or himself) like that, it really hits home. You can't understand it. I wrote countless papers and did so much research on women in the media which always, inevitably, touched on eating disorders. Despite all that, I still don't get it and when I see that girl, I just cry. She looks like she's dying.

OK...back to you Walt...I don't know if you have a Fresh Market, but ours has these dried veggies that only have canola oil & salt added, so they are veggies (of course, still have the carbs, but not like a potato or loaf of bread). I LOVE those things. Also, trail mix might do the trick.

And like Skymama said, usually just a few of something you're craving will do the trick, but make sure you're not super-hungry first.

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