
How tall are you..

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Now, if it was a giant woman that I was staring at, I could understand that being impolite, as she most likely hates herself and would be feeling self-conscious.


Only in your mind dahrlin.....go right on beleiving that.....:S

Perhaps in some places where they might be surrounded by guys with your attitude but the reality is far different for most of us who are tall.

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Now, if it was a giant woman that I was staring at, I could understand that being impolite, as she most likely hates herself and would be feeling self-conscious. I see that the same way I wouldn't stare as somebody in a wheel chair, or 100 pounds overweight. ***

Looks like you have a complex with others differences... youd be surprised how comfortable us "giant" women are. Youd be surprised at how people in wheelchairs are comfortable with their difference, and youd just be a flat out ass if you stared at someone because they are overweight by 100 pounds to the point it is noticed by others. Staring at anyone out of "disgust" or "feeling shame on their behalf" is rude.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Now, if it was a giant woman that I was staring at, I could understand that being impolite, as she most likely hates herself and would be feeling self-conscious. I see that the same way I wouldn't stare as somebody in a wheel chair, or 100 pounds overweight. ***

Looks like you have a complex with others differences... youd be surprised how comfortable us "giant" women are. Youd be surprised at how people in wheelchairs are comfortable with their difference, and youd just be a flat out ass if you stared at someone because they are overweight by 100 pounds to the point it is noticed by others. Staring at anyone out of "disgust" or "feeling shame on their behalf" is rude.

If I read correctly, you are NOT a giant woman. Are you not 5'11". Hell many of the best looking models are 6' tall. I am talking about the nasty looking ones over 6' tall and fat, the ones that could easily pass for a feminine guy. The ones that you have to take a second and third look to make sure. Not you by any means.
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correction , I tell people I am 5'12'' ish closer to 5'14'' I am over 6' 140 pounds so not thin by any means... I wear heels, my boyfriend is 6' even my ex husband was 5'10''

With how short and skinny you are you might pass off for a manly girl.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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correction , I tell people I am 5'12'' ish closer to 5'14'' I am over 6' 140 pounds so not thin by any means... I wear heels, my boyfriend is 6' even my ex husband was 5'10''
Are you kidding me 140 and 6' tall it totally thin. Are you for some reason wanting to argue with me?
With how short and skinny you are you might pass off for a manly girl.

Me short and skinny? Do you know anything about what I look like? It doesn't sound like you do with statements like that. I am just over 5'9" 225 pounds, with a 33 inch waist. You think that is short and skinny? :S Or again are you trying to attack me for some other reason?
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
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just doing what you did, assuming what you do about tall women, heavy women... saying we hate ourselves... okay so your a short fat chick and I am a tall fat dude, im sure we will both survive the stares
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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just doing what you did, assuming what you do about tall women, heavy women... saying we hate ourselves... okay so your a short fat chick and I am a tall fat dude, im sure we will both survive the stares

Again your assumption is wrong. See the difference is I didn't assume anything about you. I described an appearance that I found to be less than ideal. If you had read my description and understood it, you would have found that you didn't match it. As for that fat comment apparently you don't know what a 33" waist means. Let me give you a hint. My bodyfat was tested last year at 11.4%. The average guy in the U.S. comes in over 20%. If you wanted to say I some how looked like a chick you would need to be looking at one of the two biggest female bodybuilder's in the world. If that is what your thinking, then ok.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
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This conversation is so awesome, it blows my mind.

Steel, you keep it interesting. :D

Somebody's got to piss on all the asskissers cornflakes. Or else like you said it would just be bonfire, not fun.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
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excuses excuses, and actually the over 6' fat girls comment does apply by your definiation and apperently I should hate myself... going to go slit my wrists now... [:/]

Please dont feel the need to justify your waist size..its okay to be 33 '' my hips are not much bigger...and us tall girls dont look at you short boys as freaks, to bad its not vice versa...

and I am just giving you shit, dont be so sensitive... its really girly :P
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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> I am 5'12'' ish closer to 5'14'' I am over 6' 140 pounds so not thin by any means...
How tall are you, LisaMarie!!! :)If we will ever meet in person, looking into your eyes could cause me soreneck for watching so high, looking from my 1.69 m 75 kg - 5'6.5" 165 pounds B| B| B|
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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excuses excuses, and actually the over 6' fat girls comment does apply by your definiation and apperently I should hate myself... going to go slit my wrists now... [:/]
Ok I appologize for that, but you got to admit that most women over 6' tall are not 140 pounds. If I was going to guess I would put them over 180 on average, easily.
Please dont feel the need to justify your waist size..its okay to be 33 '' my hips are not much bigger...and us tall girls dont look at you short boys as freaks, to bad its not vice versa...
I won't respond to this as to not appear over sensitive.
be so sensitive... its really girly :P

THANK YOU, and people say that I am not in touch with my feminine side. Mayb for good measure I should respond to the short freak boy comment, eh
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
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