After 19 Years I f*&^ing QUIT!

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I have been cutting down for the last two months, have cut out my first cigarette of the day (first thing in the morning with a cuppa tea). I now have my first cigarette either at lunch time or after work. My quitting date is almost on me and I am a bit scared, and will probably be looking for support from you guys soon.

I had a thought today after seeing a man in a cancer hospital who had had a trachectomy (sp) breathing through his neck. Maybe it is a good thing for people who want to stop smoking to do some volunteer work in a cancer hospital and see all of this stuff first hand!

Good luck TFFTM and keep it up!



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Thanks, and good luck to you.
I didn't really have time to plan. I had a medical issue several weeks ago that prompted me to get a physical. The results came in Monday. One issue they had was that the PFT (pulmonary function test) show an obstruction which can be an indication of early emphysema.
That scared the bejesus out of me. I am only 33 and too young for that. It has not been determined that I actually have emphysema but I figure that a good step, regardless of the future test results, would be to quit.
Like I posted earlier, I am motivated - by my friends- by my family and by the words of encouragement here. It has really been great to be able to post and get the positive responses.
This is undoubtedly the hardest thing I have ever done (well, except for being a tandem pass for a friend getting his T-rating :S) and knowing that I would disappoint a whole bunch of folks if I gave up now keeps me going.
I think the key to quitting is the support of the folks around you. Once I get through this ordeal I would be happy to be anybody's "Stop Smoking Buddy".
Thanks guys - Daniel

Home of the Alabama Gang

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Hey Dan,

Many years ago I quit during a bout of bronchitis. I feel like I dodged a real bullet. I hope things workout with your health and you are able to stay stopped.

good luck and continue to reach out and remember what is really important. I know it's corny, but family and friends are life-long, cigarettes are so fleeting.

you d'man! ;)

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Smoking that is....

Got patch, got gum, need support vibes :|

Day 1,
So far so good...Of course its only 08:15 cst...

Hang in there, after 35 years of smoking, I am smoke free for a little over a year. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. I still want one when I go to the bar, (once a week), but every hill I hike, every step I climb, every grandchild I chase through the yard, reminds me why I quit! I can BREATH! YOU CAN DO IT! Good Luck

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Thanks for the support.
It has now been 51.5 hours.
My hardest so far was day 1.
my hardest times of the day are between 0800-1000 and 1600-1800.

Last night I went jogging for 45 minutes and felt great. The sense of smell and taste has improved as well as my breathing and sinuses.

Today is the first day w/o the patch. I am just using the gum. So far so good. I figured I needed to cut back on some of the nicotine intake too.

Tonight will be the big test being Cinco de Mayo. A good friend is taking me to dinner in celebration of quitting smoking and then to the bar.:S

The funny thing is that when I am around people who smoke it doesn't bother me. It is generally when I am by myself and bored so maybe the bar thing won't be to bad as long as I drink in moderation.

A good thing that has come about is that apparently I have inspired several ither folks at work to quit as well. This adds to my resolve to be strong and get though this.
Again thanks for the support. I find myself reading through this thread constantly to the point that I could almost quote it word for word. It definitely keeps me going.
Thanks - Daniel ;)

Home of the Alabama Gang

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Obviously, since being alone is a problem, you need to spend more time at the DZ :ph34r:

Congratulations, and keep it up.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Day 7 no smoking :)Day 2 with no nocotine devices :)
Day 3 was the worst because I was drinking, but thanks to a good friend I made it through.
Day 1 with no nicotine had people thinking I was true psychotic. :|

But anyway I think I'm going to make it. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks to everyone once again- Like I said I kept reading over all the post and it definitely helped.

See some of y'all in Elberta in a few weeks - Daniel

Home of the Alabama Gang

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Day 3 was the worst because I was drinking, but thanks to a good friend I made it through

Dunno -- my ex-husband said that day 3 was the worst regardless. Didn't want to say so ahead of time (why set expectations?), but I'm glad you're past it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Day 7 no smoking :)Day 2 with no nocotine devices :)
Day 3 was the worst because I was drinking, but thanks to a good friend I made it through.
Day 1 with no nicotine had people thinking I was true psychotic. :|

But anyway I think I'm going to make it. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks to everyone once again- Like I said I kept reading over all the post and it definitely helped.

See some of y'all in Elberta in a few weeks - Daniel

Awesome! But don't relax yet! Alot of my friends that tried to quit but didn't went back to it in their second or third week. Stay strong, and stay resolved, and keep us posted!

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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Right! I am coming up for my D Day this Monday 15th March, I am stopping smoking (I am very very scared) but I was wondering if anyone would like to play a game of finding the most graphic pictures on the internet of what smoking does to you!

Anyone care to join in the fun?

(PS, I dont want to piss anyone off, am merely looking for motivation to stop) If you can't deal with it, then don't look.

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So, I have a question:

I have a friend who quit smoking by putting a high-dose nicotine patch on their arm and becoming violently ill, thus making them never want another cigarette.

So, I know that can't be "safe", per se, but how dangerous is it really? :D

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