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It seems to me that Bush has created a Northern Ireland situation for America. In NI in the 60's the Catholic community welcomed the British soldiers with cups of tea and hugs because we'd come to protect them. Next thing we knew they saw us as an occupying force and the enemy. The rest is history.
It seems history repeats itself and sadly the last coalition soldier hasn't yet died in Iraq, time tells all.
Afgahanistan has claimed the lives of four US soldiers and two CIA in the last two weeks alone.
With no WMD's found is the price of this war really worth this senario?


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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It seems to me that Bush has created a Northern Ireland situation for America. In NI in the 60's the Catholic community welcomed the British soldiers with cups of tea and hugs because we'd come to protect them. Next thing we knew they saw us as an occupying force and the enemy. The rest is history.
It seems history repeats itself and sadly the last coalition soldier hasn't yet died in Iraq, time tells all.
Afgahanistan has claimed the lives of four US soldiers and two CIA in the last two weeks alone.
With no WMD's found is the price of this war really worth this senario?



I hate to sound cynical but with the US insistence that only US teams go to look for WMD i can pretty much guarantee they will find something.. of course no one will believe it because the US wont allow an independent team in there - and wont explain why. I can say with complete honesty that you do not want this to become another NI - one is more than enough for the world..
There doesnt seem to be a clear cut plan as to what happens now - the Temp Head of the Govt is it General Gartner, Gardiner - something like that - is having problems meeting with the local iraquis because apparently they dont all trust the US so they wont come to the meeting to select a local govt. So this is a damned if you do and damned if you dont - if the US puts ina govt made up only of those who come to meetings, the rest of the coutnry will feel they are not being represented. If they dont, stalemate. And if the iraquis want to put in an islamic religioius republic - will the US let them? And if not what happened to Operation Iraqi Freedom ?
I dont have the answers by the way it just seems that not enough people are asking the questions.


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Good point why won't the Americans let the UN arms inspectors in if they truely belive that WMD's exist. Have an independent varification and let the world see.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Not only are they experts in their fields but they've already started looking. Consider the background that they have of the people to look for the sites they thought were suspect but couldn't search. The US teams will be playing catch up when the experience is already available.


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Yup. So why are they so insistent that only US forces people will look for WMD's? When as you say they will be playing catch up. There are a couple of possible reasons:
1) They want to completely control the operation and all information coming from it. Why? To plant stuff? possibility.
2) The US is having a snit fit because they didnt have UN backing and now dont want to involve them. Possible but again leads back to conclusion from 1 - if the only people who say thee are WMD's in Iraq are american, and no independent team is involved in finding them then a large proportion of people worldwide will believe they have been planted.
3 ) ? im open to suggestions.

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Why? To plant stuff? possibility.

I think it's highly unlikely the US will plant stuff. It wouldn't make sense. The risk of people finding out about it FAR outweighs any benefit to be gained from planting evidence.

It won't be the end of the world for the USA if we don't find WMD, but we'd be politically fucked if we were found to be planting stuff. This equation isn't difficult to figure out, even for our current administration.:P
Speed Racer

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Sadly enough I think we're screwed no matter what we do with Iraq. If we impose a modern, grown-up government, They'll hate us for it and probably wind up overthrowing it themselves, fired up by some islamic cleric whacko. But their culture is like a prepubescent teenager, doesn't know its not mature enough to make these decisions for itself. If we let them install whatever they want, they'll happily "vote" themselves yet another religious dictatorship like pretty much every other culture around there, and then they'll blame us for letting them do that to themselves, and hate us for THAT too. Catch-22. I think America is going to discover being the mature parental unit watching over all the immature cultures is a loser's job. Are we an empire or global day-care?
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"I think America is going to discover being the mature parental unit watching over all the immature cultures is a loser's job. Are we an empire or global day-care"

I have to laugh at the term "Immature Culture", especially when applied to area where Babylon was founded, and the areas around the Tigris and Euphrates. I'll grant you "different culture", but for a "culture" that is a little over, what 200 years old to call another which is what, a little over 3000 yrs old, "immature" is risable.

And if the US is becoming an empire...well that explains a lot of things. B|


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