
How much extra work you do around the DZ...for FREE!?

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OK...so at my DZ we don't have any full time person to keep the place clean, answer phones, and so on. On the weekends we have a manifestor, but honestly this person isn't very sharp and is quite possibly the most lazy person I've met. This person can't even put loads together right.
Anyway, during the week, myself, being the only real full time person and another dude keep the place clean, answer phones, mow, schedule appointments, etc... We get paid NOTHING for our hard work. Both of us hate working in filth so would rather do the work than be slobs.
The DZO is more into his other hobbies than skydiving, doesn't tell us we need to keep the place up, but doesn't pay anyone else to do it either. But...lately when we don't "help out" he freaks out.
None of the other people that work at my DZ help out in any way. One of the pilots will answer the phone, but everyone else is just as bad as the owner and most the time won't even clean up after themselves (leave jumpsuits out, rigs lying all over, trash).
So basically the DZO wants everything to be done for him...
Is there a "proper" way to approach him and say I'm sick of it (it's been 3 years like this) or should I just leave?
Are other DZ's like this...or is there somebody there paid to be the housekeeper?
I should add I don't mind helping out at all. But when a majority doesn't help out I do mind. Also, days when I could be making money rigging or something I get stuck answering phones all day, so that's not cool.

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So here's my "other":

We work for jump credit, but only when we feel like it. As far as sweeping up -- it's for our benefit to not get pea gravel in our knees while packing. It kinda hurts. . . :S

From the handful of times we've been down there, both Chad and I were impressed how clean it is inside the hanger. You do a good job. ;)

Oh, and we'll see you saturday.

PMS #394

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This sounds remarkably like "roommate" questions. Back in The Great Before Time (i.e., pre-marriage), 4 friends and I used to live in a house we rented. The only way to keep the place orderly - and prevent discord - was to have a schedule of household chores to do, and everybody did one "slot" of chores per week. It rotated on a weekly basis. So, one week Person A would clean the bathrooms; next week it would be his turn to clean the kitchen; the following week it would be his turn to do the vacuuming, etc, etc. If the schedule broke down so that some were not carrying their weight, the rest of us would call BULLSHIT!! on the offenders.

Why not call a meeting of everyone, and try out something similar? If people don't cooperate, then I guess you have 2 choices: either keep up the shitty status quo you have now, or find another DZ at which to hang your hat.

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:o....I thought you were talking about my DZ. I had to go look at your profile to see if maybe you'd started jumping there since I've been in Iraq :D.

I can say this though, the DZO works hard on the DZ but isn't going to pay anyone to do anything. And my wife and I usually try and keep the hangar clean. My wife took over video because he was charging an outrageous amount for pretty much 20 seconds of video with no talking, music or anything. So she took over there and does her best. At least it's now worth the price ($25). I know thats cheap for most places.....but if you'd seen the video he was giving out for that price you'd know what I mean! :S

Manifest, ha, I feel you there. No one does that and it gets quite unorganized....so we usually try to keep a tab on that. It's a small DZ so really that isn't too hard. Phones also, he usually isn't anywhere near the phones and we answer it. Funny thing is I think we do a better job of "selling" than he does. I feel if it wasn't for my wife (I shouldn't keep saying we ;)) then the place would fall apart. I don't know how he did it for so long with out her!


Go Fast, Dock Soft.

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I used to do a lot of bitch work when I was 19 and fairly new but not anymore. I used to take trash out, pack the owners rig up when he was doing trainning jumps and whatnot. Not anymore. It turned into work and not my fun escape that I loved to do on the weekend. That doesnt mean I wont do anything if asked. If they need a BBQ man, I can whip up some mean sauces and grill the night away. Need help pulling the otter out of the hanger. Sure no problem. Hell I even changed the flap on a King Air 1 weekend and have done some other odds and ends for the AC maintnance. But when they expect you to do it like an employee then you might have a problem. Dont expect me to take your trash out every morning or go pick up beer bottles laying all over the place.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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You need to tell the DZO what you said here. Tell them you are only paid for jumps, instruction, video, ect... If they would like you to do other things clean, answer phones ect.., you will be happy to for $??? per week. Or they can do it themselves or find someone else to do it.

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I will do anything I can to keep our place running, or the dz I visit. I will vacuum, clean/unplug toilets, cut down trees, mow the grass, help with waivers/filing, do the manifesting. Whatever.
Most of the small midwest dz's that I frequent are just hanging on by a thread. A couple of weeks of bad weather can ruin a weekend only cash flow. Any help they can get is much appreciated, because they aren't in a position to hire anyone to help on a regular basis.
Up until the somethingth or other of July, I am a volunteer for the WFFC, and it's NOTHING to do a little bit of everything for the sake of the sport. Besides, it's a HOOT!
[email protected]

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You know... a couple years ago when I worked at Tecumseh, I used to do soooooooooo much free stuff and rarely even get a thank you for it. But that was our dzo being an asshat. Really got to me after awhile, and eventually I tried to avoid doing anything for free (which still was pretty difficult to sneak away from).

Now that I'm at Orange, in a club environment, I do as much as I can. It takes everyone to keep that place going, and it's such a kickass place to be. Plus, the appreciation is endless. I remember randomly emptying some garbage cans one day and several people practically knocked me over with their thank you hugs. It's cool to see everyone pitch in - like when we all spent an hour picking up the 5 gazillion bottle caps from around the tiki bar. :)

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You know... a couple years ago when I worked at Tecumseh, I used to do soooooooooo much free stuff and rarely even get a thank you for it. But that was our dzo being an asshat. Really got to me after awhile, and eventually I tried to avoid doing anything for free (which still was pretty difficult to sneak away from).

That's how I feel! I've totally been trying to not do stuff lately but it's hard. Today the landing area grass was sooo long that finally the DZO paid me to do it! :D

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