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I was checking my banking stuff online tonight.

Someone cashed a check in Walmart using my account today. The bank says that it needs to clear before it is disputed. That means tomorrow. It is a physical check.

The check number is obviously out of sequence. It is in another town. I have never shopped there.


I am supposed to be up at 7am tomorrow for a skydiving event and it is 1:30. I am not pleased.

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I had my checking account drained on payday once. My "bank" didn't notify me until my account was overdrawn by $1000 and the crooks got away with my paycheck. F'in bank and F'in crooks.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I got a letter in the mail yesterday that said that an employee of my loan company "lost a piece of equipment containing names and Social Security numbers of certain borrowers whose loans had been guaranteed by [my company]" so I'm worried about the same thing. >:(

But it goes on to say that you can place a free 90 day security alert on your credit bureau file simply by contacting one of the three major credit agencies. You may want to consider doing that as well.

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Life was simpler when it was all about pencils and paper. If you wanted to rob a bank (or somebody) you had to show up with a mask and a gun.

And those wave-pass-credit cards are nothing BUT trouble...beware....~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Call your local PD and report it. It helps to get banks rolling with you if you hand them a case number from a PD and say "I've reported check# XYZ through check# zyx stolen."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Financial institutions really can't win in the fraud stoppage. Somebody is going to get pissed no matter what they do. You're ticked that they accepted an out of character charge. I spent and evening this week cursing out AmEx because they cancelled my card because I was using it in South America (my first trip here-out of character charge) Well, I was most upset that there is no way to contact them in an emergency.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Do you know who had access to you checkbook to get the check in the first place???

Most likley not a check from the owner, all you need is bank account number , branch number and instution number and can make a check with a lazer printer in 10 min. it's realy too easy to buy blank checks and fill in the rest on computer.
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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Sorry about what happened to you. Fraud is hell. I am still waiting for about $500.00 to be returned to me for a phone bill I had to pay, for a residences I never lived at.. I was told "we can't prove you didn't live there and you are responsible for this bill, its in your name." I had to pay it or it would have gone on my credit. That was 2 years ago. Dont think I will ever get that money back.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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I was checking my banking stuff online tonight.

Someone cashed a check in Walmart using my account today. The bank says that it needs to clear before it is disputed. That means tomorrow. It is a physical check.

The check number is obviously out of sequence. It is in another town. I have never shopped there.


I am supposed to be up at 7am tomorrow for a skydiving event and it is 1:30. I am not pleased.

Dumb question... If the check hasn't cleared, how'd you find out about it?

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Dumb question... If the check hasn't cleared, how'd you find out about it?

I was checking it online. There was a charge in "pending" status. It was waiting to clear.

I filed the fraud complaint with the bank yesterday and I am supposed to get some paperwork in the mail.

I only pay my utility bills by check and that is by mail. All other purchases are done by credit card or cash.

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Well... spent the day on the phone.

Called Walmart, the bank, the police.

Apparently, the process works like this:

The bank wants to send me paperwork before they will do anything. The division that sends it, didn't.

The police are waiting on the printout before assigning it a case number.

Walmart will release the video to the police when they get a case number.

I followed my basic rule: Harrassed them until they get tired of talking to me and bend to my will. :)
End result:
Account is now closed (which hoses my mortgage pmt).

The bank will send anything to prevent another phone call.

I still have lots of money to steal.

I am going to make stacks of 20's into bricks and build a garage out of them. It will be easier to keep track of.

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I will agree... Info is very readily available & help is difficult, if not extremely hard to come by. :P

You may want to look into overseas fund storage or dig a nice little hole next to an Agave. Either way, you must protect yourself. IMO. Have a great one! ;)

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Thanks for this thread. I just got a letter from UT Austin saying my personal info was downloaded on April 23rd. Now off to register for the free 90 day Fraud Alert Service offered by the 3 credit bureaus.

Blue skies,


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On tv, the criminals look like masterminds. I now understand why.

I get ripped off in County A - forged check.

The Walmart tells me to contact the sheriff in my county, B. They will only release info to sheriff.

County B sheriff wants info from the bank before proceeding. Info was requested from bank and received and given to sheriff who now denies needing it.

Also, County B sheriff cites jurisdiction issue and recommends that I contact County A sheriff. County A sheriff needs an affidavit from County B sheriff.

County B sheriff doesn't ever do this and refuses.

I now know why there are career criminals. It sounds quite difficult to ever have anyone pursue you. It is an easy career.

So far, all the investigation has been done by me.

In Tampa right now, there are 6 cars on a road through New Tampa (expensive area) stopping women in SUVs giving tickets for quick cash. Too bad they left law enforcement for "revenue enhancement".

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