Lady in the Water

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Not as Crap as Signs...but I think one would actually have to try to make another movie that bad.

Half a thumb up!

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Not as Crap as Signs...but I think one would actually have to try to make another movie that bad.

Half a thumb up!


What about Final Destination 3.....i'm pretty sure that one may beat it out....
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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I haven't seen the movie yet but the negative reviews are pouring in. A friend of mine supported the production crew when they were in the area. I hear that M. Night Shyamalan prefers only those who see his greatness. A script supervisor probably never reviewed the material in terms of plotlines, subplots, character development and particularly, dialogue, something Night often stumbles over. Equally disturbing, is that, not only does he cast himself in pivotal role in the film (and acts stiff as a board) but no one calls the police, etc., regarding the strange goings ons at the apartment complex. If viewing a film requires a "suspension of disbelief," my sense is that "Lady in the Water" falls in.

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I just saw lady in the water and I liked it. I really like Paul Giamatti and I LOVE Dallas Howard (Redhead)

I didn't much like the village because I could see the ending before it came and it was boring for me.

I don't let others or reviewers make my movie going decisions. This was better than the village.

Dallas Howard...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
I should have been a kickass drummer and a world famous first base man.

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Yeah, I really liked Unbreakable. Sixth Sense was great, and I saw enough of the Village to think it was ok, but not good enough to go back for a detailed look.

This had entertaining parts, so I don't think it was Baldwin bad.

The thing I don't enjoy is when the surprises at the end are hinted at so much that it's almost like they are shoving them up your ass. I actually feel assaulted in a way. "Swing away!" Hmmm...alien breaks into the house, and I am going to use a baseball bat to defend myself...that's quite a stretch.

I did like Paul Giamatti, and some of the other characters were good. Ego Boy even did ok. Again, I just felt assaulted by the storyline.

Anyway, I guess it's like a train wreck...I keep going to see, can't stop myself, but ultimately, there will never be another Sixth Sense, and all that is left is carnage...

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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I liked Signs...it was The Village that I didn't care for...

Funny - I liked The Village a lot - didn't like Signs that much. Personally, I like M. Knight movies, if only because they're different. I also think he takes time to build the audience's relationship with the characters, so that your feelings about events seem completely justified. He's definitely an artist when it comes to sound, even if he overdoes the boom camera shots a bit.

M. Knight movies are almost always done with a comic-book feel, and if you don't go in expecting that, you may not like it. Lady was OK, I thought, but not one of his best. The most notable thing about the movie was the very accessible acting of Paul Giamatti.
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I really liked the Village. I know a lot of people didn't.

It wasn't the usual horror slash slash screaming gorey horror film, but it was more like classical horror stories . Many early horror short stories have little or no overt violence in them. They're more of a mind-fuck than a screaming gore-fest. Even Nathanial Hawthorne wrote a horror story. It was about a young woman who is in an arranged marriage to a man who keeps his face veiled at all times...I won't spoil the story in case someone may want to read it. But it was an example of a great classic gothic horror story, even if it didn't have someone in a hockey mask hacking people up.:P

so I may well like the Lady in the Water film. who knows.
Speed Racer

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