
How can you survive a skydiving accident?

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How can you survive a skydiving accident?
More specifically, if you have an accident while skydiving, and you are in a free fall, what can you do to increase your chances of surviving? I don't expect to leave unscaved or anything, but i think there must be ways of avoiding death.

aim for a factory manufacturing pillows or marshmallows :)

there wouldn't be much hope otherwise. unless:

- you were in a particularly steep, hilly area, in which case you could use a hillside to slow yourself down. you'd need to go into a roll and just let your momentum get absorbed by the hill as you rolled. you'd get pretty cut up on rocks and bushes, though

- you were above a particularly rough patch of ocean (for some reason). you could aim for the slope of a wave, and you might lose enough energy on the slanted surface to not die. but you'd end up fairly battered (and likely concussed) in the middle of the ocean. which would probably cause you to die anyway

so, i'd say there's very little chance of surviving a skydiving accident unless you have a mobile phone and a friend who can transport *lots* of pillows *very* quickly
Fly it like you stole it

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when i read the title, i thought it meant accident as in deficating in ones pants. hahaha..

I have heard an urban leagand of a guy who survived freefall hitting snow, in one of the wars, walked away with no injuries.. anyone know the truth in that?
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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Land on a passing cloud and wait for Delta to stop by and rescue you.

It would help to have some margarita makings with you for the wait.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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