
The Grammar Police Get Testy

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I also vote for "sticky."

What a great thread. One of my favorite all-time newsgroups is alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe.

I go there sometimes after reading here just because it comforts me.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I also vote for "sticky."

What a great thread. One of my favorite all-time newsgroups is alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe.

I go there sometimes after reading here just because it comforts me.


And with that, I'll cue Neil Diamond's "Heartlight" song and imagine a world where RhondaLea reigns supreme...or at least is stamping the foreheads of the unwashed masses so we recognize them with greater ease. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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"I could care less" is not the correct expression. If you could care less, you would, right?

The correct expression is "I could NOT care less", or as it's popularly abbreviated, "I couldn't care less."

Oh wait - sorry, this is the misspelling thread. I mistook it for the improper use of idioms thread.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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ADVICE: A NOUN - something that is given and often unwarranted and ignored
ADVISE: A FUCKING VERB, AS IN "I advise you not to do that".


And sonofabitch, if that word doesn't pop up in these forums ALL THE TIME. "Newbies shouldn't give advise." Really, asshole? Well, good, because that's pretty damn hard to do.

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ADVICE: A NOUN - something that is given and often unwarranted and ignored
ADVISE: A FUCKING VERB, AS IN "I advise you not to do that".


And sonofabitch, if that word doesn't pop up in these forums ALL THE TIME. "Newbies shouldn't give advise." Really, asshole? Well, good, because that's pretty damn hard to do.

I would like to suggest that Kele NOT hold anything back in the future, and insist that from now on she tells us how she REALLY feels. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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It's because they aren't allowed to use red ink for correcting papers. It might hurt the student's self esteem. WTF. That's the problem with this society anymore. You can't correct anything anymore. It's all PC. And the rest of the world laughs at us.

I hear anyone can pass the ATP check ride now, so as to avoid loss of pilots' self esteem.:o


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A couple more:

"Decent" is an adjective, as in, "this beer is pretty decent."
"Descent" is a noun, as in, "..during my descent under canopy"

"Hole" is the empty space in the middle of a donut.
"Whole" means the entirety, as in, "the whole thing".

You NEVER use an apostrophe before an "s" to indicate a plural.
Example: "I posted some photo's on my website" is wrong.

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You NEVER use an apostrophe before an "s" to indicate a plural.
Example: "I posted some photo's on my website" is wrong.

I once knew someone who used this as a sig line:

The meaning of an apostrophe is not "Look out, here comes an "s"!
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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haha a post from Americans about the correct use of English... ;) (yep RL that is a slight US bash!! :P)

How about (UK v US use):

I've just had a cigar
I just had a cigar

I've already seen him
I already saw him

He's got much better at swooping
He's gotten much better at swooping

at the weekend
on the weekend




Im off to run away from the flames now......


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Ehh, you Brits have your nerve;)
Some of the most egregious offenses I see are in posts by Brits. I mean, your country invented the f-ing language, you'd think you'd know how to use it properly.

OK, smartass, back atcha:

You say "maths" instead of "math", but your newspapers have a section called "sport" instead of "sports". WTF's with that?

"Whilst" instead of "while"? Only for thithy-boyth.

"Truck" is a damned fine vehicle.
"Lorry" is a misspelled girl's name.

By the way, the past tense of "spell" is "spelled", not "spelt".

Your obsession with the word "wanker" sounds like kindergarten kids calling each other "poopie-heads". Oh, yeah, very insulting.:S

If a person's an asshole, he's an asshole. "Arsehole?" ROFL!! See above re: poopie-head.

Oh, and your food sucks, too. "Toad in the hole" is an amphibian in the ground, not something to eat (unless you're a snake).

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I have a complaint. We're doing errors in writing here, but I have an error in speaking that drives me insane:

Forte is pronounced "fort" not "fortay."

I've had people correct my correct pronounciation of this word (even the English, who think they know everything), and it makes my eyeballs spin.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I have a complaint. We're doing errors in writing here, but I have an error in speaking that drives me insane:

Forte is pronounced "fort" not "fortay."

I've had people correct my correct pronounciation of this word (even the English, who think they know everything), and it makes my eyeballs spin.




USAGE NOTE: The word forte, coming from French fort, should properly be pronounced with one syllable, like the English word fort. Common usage, however, prefers the two-syllable pronunciation, (fôrt), which has been influenced possibly by the music term forte borrowed from Italian. In a recent survey a strong majority of the Usage Panel, 74 percent, preferred the two-syllable pronunciation. The result is a delicate situation; speakers who are aware of the origin of the word may wish to continue to pronounce it as one syllable but at an increasing risk of puzzling their listeners.

shieeet, the USer is correct.... :P

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USAGE NOTE: The word forte, coming from French fort, should properly be pronounced with one syllable, like the English word fort. Common usage, however, prefers the two-syllable pronunciation, (fôrt), which has been influenced possibly by the music term forte borrowed from Italian. In a recent survey a strong majority of the Usage Panel, 74 percent, preferred the two-syllable pronunciation. The result is a delicate situation; speakers who are aware of the origin of the word may wish to continue to pronounce it as one syllable but at an increasing risk of puzzling their listeners.

shieeet, the USer is correct.... :P

Correct, but losing the battle.

Fortunately for me, the American Heritage Dictionary is a descriptive not prescriptive dictionary, and it's "Usage Panel" can kiss my grits. Note that "common usage" is just that: common. Who wants to be common?

H.W. Fowler and Theodore M. Bernstein are spinning in their graves.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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According to OED, both pronunciations are acceptable.

Since I started taking piano lessons when I was seven years old I've always said "fort-ay." Damn Italians. ;)

Have you ever read the book Eats, Shoots & Leaves? It's hilarious.

Here's an online game based upon the book: http://eatsshootsandleaves.com/ESLquiz.html

I got them all correct but I was a dorky English major and I'm still a grammar nut.

edited b/c someone beat me to it ;)

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