
Help me screw with a scammer

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OK all you devious thinkers out there, put on your thinking caps.

I have a car listed for sale online and received two inquiries from "Mr. Jones" and today he sent me the e-mail copied below which is an obvious scam. I called the web site but all they can do is block his e-mail address. I want to send Mr. Jones a final e-mail. Any suggestions on what I could do to fuck with his head, even if it's just for a second?


Much thanks for your mail as regards to your vehicle înformation . I have forwarded your mail to my client(Pastor Justice Huse)of Christ Church missin Inc. p.o box 144 station D M9 X Canada, and after evaluation ,I am delighted to tell you that my client has recommended your vehicle.

Payment will get to you in a cashier cheque of $30,000 which is a refund payment of a cancelled order earlier made by my client(Pastor Justice Huse). Due to company policy this check has to be made out in this amount to you, because company policy only allows a refund payment on one cashier cheque. So you are required to deduct the cost of your vehicle $24,600 when payment gets to you and refund balance of $5,400 to the shipper for him to be able to offset shipping & tax charges, and other cosmetic repair costs.

After payment has reached you and balance sent to shipper, the shipper's agent will come for inspection, pick up (vehicle & signing of title papers), make some cosmetic touches and drive to a prepaid shipper to be shipped to my customer. Confirm this and forward your legal:
Phone number...................
for payment to be made to you as soon as possible. Your honesty, understanding and co-operation will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,
94 St Mary's Mansions
Maida Avenue Little Venice
W2 Isy England. +447024081361

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Mr. Jones, I regret that I am unable (for reasons of personal financial difficulties) to accede to your kind request. However, I believe fortune has bestowed on us a most fortuitous alternative. My grandmother, whose failing health is the reason for my selling the car, also has a vehicle which she wishes to sell, and can no longer use. It is in unusually good condition, having been used only to go back and forth to the market, and to church. Although its value is more than $5400.00, the convenience to me of disposing of both vehicles, and to you, of not having to wait for the $5400.00 (which I would not be able to produce otherwise) would more than make up for the difference in value.
You would, of course, be free to sell the car, probably for quite a bit more than the handling charges and other expences. I am eagerly awaiting your reply. Sincerely, blah, blah, yadda, yadda.
Sundance: (chuckling) "You just keep thinkin' Butch...that's what yer good at."

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Mr. Jones, I regret that I am unable (for reasons of personal financial difficulties) to accede to your kind request. However, I believe fortune has bestowed on us a most fortuitous alternative. My grandmother, whose failing health is the reason for my selling the car, also has a vehicle which she wishes to sell, and can no longer use. It is in unusually good condition, having been used only to go back and forth to the market, and to church. Although its value is more than $5400.00, the convenience to me of disposing of both vehicles, and to you, of not having to wait for the $5400.00 (which I would not be able to produce otherwise) would more than make up for the difference in value.
You would, of course, be free to sell the car, probably for quite a bit more than the handling charges and other expences. I am eagerly awaiting your reply. Sincerely, blah, blah, yadda, yadda.

Interesting! He might have to go to the expense of paying some poor sucker to come get the cars and he would at least be out that money. I'll have to think about this one. Thank you.

Anyone else think of anything?

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email back with due to you being an illegal alien you do not have a bank account. So, you can only accept cash. :D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Although this may not be applicable in your particular case, the following link tells the tale of a man who really scammed the scammers.
He didn't manage to take their money directly, but still put a good dent in their pocket.
"Now I've settled down,
in a quiet little town,
and forgot about everything"

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Although this may not be applicable in your particular case, the following link tells the tale of a man who really scammed the scammers.
He didn't manage to take their money directly, but still put a good dent in their pocket.

That's a great story but I don't think I want to go to all of that trouble. I really enjoyed reading it.

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A friend of mine got one of these.He let the guy send the check and then when the guy started demanding his money my friend told him that he cashed the check and threw a party.

Sounds like entertainment well worth the cost of a PO Box and divulging a fax number (that you can plug a phone into when expecting a call). :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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A friend of mine got one of these.He let the guy send the check and then when the guy started demanding his money my friend told him that he cashed the check and threw a party.

i got a 419 in may, did the same thing. that bastard was pissed. i told him i bought a new parachute! the checkhe sent me is hanging right here.


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