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School has been kicking my ass for the last couple of weeks, so I finally started week one this morning. Probably not the best idea since I was still dehydrated and hung over from this weekend [:/].
The running itself went great, I feel so motivated and wonderful now! :)
Why can't pirates and cowboys co-exist in perfect harmony?

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Wow! Great job, Lisa!! :)
I failed. I let illness defeat me. :S I know you're supposed to rest when you are ill, and I had been sicker than I can remember in years...but I slacked off and didn't get back up on the horse. :(

I'm starting again. :)
The next step is getting back. I must do it! DAMN I wish I could figure out how to burn those podcasts onto a CD!!!! >:(>:(>:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Well, I'm a bit sad to report that week 4 broke me. I made it through the first three runs (3mins, 5mins, 3mins) but I only made it through three minutes of the last 5 minute run before I just crapped out and walked back. However, I still consider it a victory since I ran 5 more minutes total than any of the workouts last week. I'm going to try it again in two days.

And Lisa, I don't know what your personal deadline is, but you've got to prioritize. If it's more important to you to get it done than it is to run, then get it done. You can always run tomorrow.

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Sorry to hear you had a rough time with the #4.... now I am scared! But you do have a right to be proud over what you did do... GREAT JOB!!!!

I see it like this right now..... I am stressed over my deadline (an application I am working in that I wanted to have done this weekend). I am not in the mood to run. Past has shown, if I force it when deep down I don't want to, I will crap out and thev be disappointed in myself.

If I force myself when I am being lazy, then I usually feel great having done it.

But I am truly upset over this problem I am having that is holding me bakc from my deadline. So I think I will bag. Yes, maybe karate will be light tomorrow and I will run then.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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It is all about priorities, I agree. I always find myself stuck not running because of other commitments. If it must be done, it must be done. Though I find that if I have at least an hour to spare, a good run can clear my head, make it easier to focus on whatever other tasks I have at hand.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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Well, I'm a bit sad to report that week 4 broke me. I made it through the first three runs (3mins, 5mins, 3mins) but I only made it through three minutes of the last 5 minute run before I just crapped out and walked back. However, I still consider it a victory since I ran 5 more minutes total than any of the workouts last week. I'm going to try it again in two days.

The only problem with trying to improve your conditioning on some one else's routine is that it is what worked for them.

I say run within yourself. some days you start out deciding that you're going to hammer it today. One mile in your body just says" That ain't happening today."

Some days you start out on an easy jog, and the next thing you know, you're doing a seven minute mile.

If you have the opportunity to try trail running, it is so much more relaxing than road work. You do have to be more aware of your foot placement.

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Post: I am stressed over missing a personal deadline.

Is it your deadline, or someone else's?

My real deadline I promised is "by November" .... I made a personal deadline to have it done this last weekend because I have been dragging it out and there is another project I am itching to finish up but put on hold for this project.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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I did not run tonight. It was my first real day back to karate after about 5 months off... I have PF and being in my bare feet for 1 1/2 hours KILLED! My feet hurt so bad. Going to lounge with the kitty and take ibuprofen.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Good luck, feel better.

I did some sprints today. To clarify of course, I'm not following the Couch-to-5k, or the 10k. I just keep my own schedule, which usually works out well enough since I used to run 6 miles easily.

Sprints went well, as did my 3 mile run yesterday, which I did in roughly 24 minutes. 8 min/mile is where it's at.

Oh, and for those of you who are crazy enough to run outdoors in the dead of winter like me, but would rather not freeze your skinny little running-refined butt off, I've got two words for you all: Under Armour. I will absolutely swear to their compression gear. It works like a dream. Keeps your body temperature normal, contains moisture to keep you dry, and it just feels really goooooooooooood. B| Cold compression gear will run you about $50 for the long-sleeve shirt, and $50 for the legging, but it's more than worthwhile in my opinion. I only bought the shirt yesterday, but I'm going to buy the legging tomorrow, and I'll update my review as soon as I have the full set and can get in a good run in everything.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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That UA stuff sounds good. My son wore a simple thin shirt under his football pads and liked it.

But I am not an outdoor in the cold runner! It hurts my throat and makes me cough. Is that something yu get used to?

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Under Armour. I will absolutely swear to their compression gear. It works like a dream. Keeps your body temperature normal, contains moisture to keep you dry, and it just feels really goooooooooooood. B|

I used to wear the cold gear under the rest of my clothes when I used to be a winter skydiver. :ph34r: Works GREAT! I use it under my snow pants for snowboarding and the like now. (I have only snowboarded once and it went horribly wrong, but I'm up for a second shot this year. :P -after 12 months I have finally forgotten the excruciating pain enough to not twitch when someone says 'snowboard'. :|)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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School has been kicking my ass for the last couple of weeks, so I finally started week one this morning. Probably not the best idea since I was still dehydrated and hung over from this weekend [:/].
The running itself went great, I feel so motivated and wonderful now! :)

You got in 3 miles on your second run of week 1? Nice work! ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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skinny little running-refined butt

Yeah.. not many of us have those.. which is why we're doing this. ;)

Its even cold enough in Atlanta to quit running outside. So back in to the gym! Y'all just remember that in the winter people are sweating and snotting all over the gym equipment so wipe it down before and after, and wash your hands!! I used to work in a gym and you wouldnt believe the germ infestation in the winter. Yuck.

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