
House training tips

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Hey me and my gf just got a 2yr old Sherpard, Rotty Husky mutt. She is a great dog learns real quick but she has had a few accidents in the house in the last week. We walk her lots and let her out anytime but still have problems. Any advice is appreciated thanks.

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Get a crate for her. If she's not with you, she's in the crate. As soon as you let her out of the crate, tell her "outside" and take her to the door.

When she *is* out with y'all, watch her closely. As soon as she starts sniffing, tell her "outside" and take her to the door.

Once she does her business, praise her up and tell her what a good girl she is... get excited about it! If people aren't laughing at you when you're praising your dog, you're not excited enough about it!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yep crate training is the way I went and it worked great. Now Roxton goes into the crate when he wants to nap or at the end of the day.

Now that he's older it's the only time he's in it.

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Treat the area that has been soiled with Natures Miracle. The enzymes in the product destroys the urine odor so that the dog can't tell that it was there. If the dog can smell it, he will go there again.
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I'm gonna repeat what the others have said... just to make sure its clear... and you understand that this is the way to go... crate training, crate training, crate training... you might also get a book on dog training in general... as it will be there to give you advice when we aren't available.
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The crate is definitely your friend. All three of my dogs have been crate trained (and 2 were adults when I got them). Just make sure that the crate is where the dog eats, sleeps, has toys, blanket, etc, so that the crate becomes a 'den' and not punishment for them.

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The crate is definitely your friend. All three of my dogs have been crate trained (and 2 were adults when I got them). Just make sure that the crate is where the dog eats, sleeps, has toys, blanket, etc, so that the crate becomes a 'den' and not punishment for them.


But, on the other paw... it also needs to be small enough that they can't do their business at one end and lay in the other... seeing as how the dog is a GS cross, that's probably not going to be a problem.... ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You have been given very very very sound advice. Both my dogs are crate trained. Though the crates are pretty much down now, no real need for them. But when I put them up for some reason both dogs get excited, and go sleep in there. ;)

Hell I bought a tent awhile back, and I'll be damned if it didn't take me 30 min to get both dogs out of there!!!! I set it up in my living room, and they thought they scored a new den. :D

Dogs are den animals, that should be come the "safe place". when I have kids coming over to my house, I will always set up the big crate, it is a place for the dogs to go to get away. It is off limits to the kids. This gives the dogs a safe place, and gives me piece of mind. Essentially if the dogs are in the crate LEAVE THEM ALONE. It works really well. When they want to play they come out, when they are done they go in. :)
Edited to add...I'm guessing this is a rescue dog....to that I say, YOU ROCK. B|
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Thanks for all your advice guys!!

Yeah she is was a rescue dog. She was in the pound for awhile then with a foster family for a few weeks. Now she is with me and my GF and she is soaking up the love. She is an absolute sweetie. The only problem is house training her other than that she is perfect.


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Thanks for all your advice guys!!

Yeah she is was a rescue dog. She was in the pound for awhile then with a foster family for a few weeks. Now she is with me and my GF and she is soaking the carpets. She is an absolute sweetie. The only problem is house training her other than that she is perfect.



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