
Cypres2, Vigil or Argus?

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I will purchase an AAD and have not decided yet whether cypres2 or VIGIL.. or Argus :).

I do some RW and love freeflying (just starting) 138 jumps :)

Please, could you share your opinions about the VIGIL and Argus for the environment above?

Thanks in advance!

It cannot be done really means I do not know how to do it ... yet

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or the first jump we take off at 8100 feet ASL and want to have my AAD preset for my drop zone,) 82 - 113 F sometimes very wet, wind 0 - 16 knots. There are two big rivers and a small lake nearby and some people have landed there

Are you jumping in Flandes Colombia by chance?
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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If you are concerned with landing in water then the Vigil is not the choice for you.

Only the Cypres2 and the Argus are currently waterresistant.

Is there a reason why you have not considered the Argus?
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Bien! Y tu? Oye! Aqui se puede mandar mensajes privados para intercambiar email?

Si, busca para "messages" en cima de la pantalla. Cuando hay un numero rojo, tienes PMs:)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Only the Cypres2 and the Argus are currently waterresistant.

Thats not true anymore. Expect to hear more about waterproof Vigils after PIA.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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You're saying that the first jump of the day is taking off 7100 feet above the landing area?

I don't think the Cypres allows for that much offset.
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I would guess that they leave their AADs off if they are part of that first load of the day. I would think that only the military Cypres is capable of that much offset. Perhaps there are similar military versions of other AADs. They are probably much more expensive and more troublesome to use.

Please tell us more about the circumstances of that DZ, how a plane's bedroom is so much higher than the landing area. How long does it take by car?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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What does everyone else at your DZ use?

First jump run into the DZ from Bogota, AADs are off(for those who have them) and altimeters are set at minus 7000 ft. Everything gets turned on and set to zero once on the ground at the DZ in Flandes.

EDIT: it is possible to offset the Vigil to -6000. The Military Cypres would have to be put into operational mode and the pressure at the destination DZ would have to be known. As a safety,it cannot go farther than -1600ft under sea level (1.075 hPa).The civilian model only allows for -1500ft offset.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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Yeah, I thought the Vigil was 5000, but 6000 sounds about right too. I would think that leaving them off would be the only option. As fro your selection, I would get an Argus. I bought a Vigil because I needed and AAD and the Argus dealer didn't know when his shipment was coming in, so I had to get a Vigil. Nothing really wrong with it, but the Argus is as good, water resistant, and much less expensive.

Sean LR
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Gonzalo, for where you live, the Vigil is the best option as it offers you greater resale opportunities with its 3 different modes and 20 year life if you ever decide to sell it. I don't have to tell you how unreliable the normal mail system is or how expensive the private ones there are.Sending an AAD back via private mail from there will cost you more than the cost to have it serviced. So not having to send it in every 4 years is a major plus in the Vigil's favor and here shortly, there will be waterproof models available.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I just turned mine on and got bored of holding the button down at +12000m (approx 36,000 feet)

so I guess that means yes ;)

ETA: Argus that is
and the reason I chose Argus over Vigil is that it does have a service therefore it gets checked out which to my mind is more convienent. Knowing that I will have down time when it is being serviced rather than going to a boogie and finding out that there is an error and it wont turn on and then having to send it back. Obviously that could still happen with the Argus I just feel that it is les likely if it is being serviced. Think about your car....
I like my canopy...

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We take the plane with us so that we do not have to drive for 2-3 hours up to the drop zone. It saves a lot of time and it is really great just to leave your home early in the morning, do a 20 minutes drive up to the international airport, take the plane and do our first jump after 20 minutes. We can sleep more ;)

It cannot be done really means I do not know how to do it ... yet

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Thank you Scott! If I turn off the vigil when coming home, would it save my drop zone altitude? Do you know when the waterproof models will be available?

I have had to jump a few times during really hard rainfalls and besides it hurts a lot I would not want to spoil my AAD.

It cannot be done really means I do not know how to do it ... yet

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Gonzalo, if you look on page 15 of the manual there is a full description of what information the Vigil will maintain a record of. If you turn your unit off for the flight back to Bogota when you turn it back on the next time you fly out of Bogota, it will be set to the altitude of Bogota unless you manually offset it to its max of -6000 which would mean it would fire around +/-1840 feet for the first jump into Flandes. Once on the ground, you would have to turn the unit off and then back on so that the unit sets it's altitude for the DZ in Flandes. My advice is to not use the offset method as we both know how Cappy can fly sometimes on the way to the DZ. It would suck to have a reserve fire on the way out there because Cappy dropped altitude too quickly when coming out of the mountains or because of a drastic change in the barometric pressure.

I am not 100% positive when the waterproof models will debut but I imagine it would be after PIA sometime.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Thank you Scott! This information has been very helpful.

As the vigil is not waterproof yet, do you think a hard rain could damage the vigil? You know sometimes it rains very hard in Flandes and if I open my reserve when raining my container (vector II ) would not protect my vigil

It cannot be done really means I do not know how to do it ... yet

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As long as you don't submerge the rig, a reserve ride while it was sprinkling would not subject the unit to enough water to cause it to malfunction. Frankly, I'd be more worried about the reserve getting wet on the ride down than the AAD unit.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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