
a new rolling paper

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after smoking these 'papers' i felt like an evangelical god lover all over again. im just 'passin' on the word. slobber proof for your dumb friends, enviromentally safe for your hippish people, but its like smokin a joint out of glass for your purist types. whatever i dont care, for, some odd reason. i love that smell. its better than perfume. ;)

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These would have avoided a few fist fights in my Junior High (Nor Cal baby!) parking lot.

I remember all the entertaining papers available in the 70's. Geez the "instaRoach" (wire inside) were amazingB|

The Dude Abides.

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So my friend picks me up the other day and was all excited about these new papers that he found. He pulls one out and I'm like.. dude, I'm not smoking a piece of plastic.

He goes on and on about how they are all natural, made of cellulose and all of this crap. Ok, I bit the bullet and I smoked the thing (with tobacco inside, of course..)

It was interesting. No taste, no smell. Burnt for a while.

But afterwards.. Jesus, I was not right. My leg was twitching out of control and I didn't feel right for a coule of hours. That doesn't happen with ordinary papers.

Will never smoke one again.

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Ok, I don't know anything about rolling papers (or do I?) but I'm pretty sure inhaling burning cellulose vapor would ultimately be much more harmful than just using regular ZigZags or whatever.

I do know for a fact that burning celluLOID will kill you in short order.

Someone might want to experiment by rolling normal tobacco into one and seeing if it feels different than a regular cigarette. I won't be doing this.

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