
2 cops, 5 EMTs, 1 arrested, 1 in the hospital...

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So, how exciting was your night/morning?

I was rudely awakened at 3:00 this morning with my white trash neighbors and another unknown man arguing loudly outside. After about 10 minutes of "you fucking whore, get out my fucking apartment, leave with your new boyfriend," I called the cops. Two officers came within minutes, then an ambulance, then a fire truck... So, at 3:40, the EMTs had my neighbor on a stretcher taking him to the hospital, the new boyfriend was arrested, and the girl... Well, I think she hooked up with one of the cops. :o I just thought it was kind of funny when one of the officers looked at his co-worker and said, "Dude... After 15 years of law enforcement, that is the STRANGEST call I have EVER been on."

I don't know what really happened, but it is my mission to find out. :| I have connections. :$

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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So, how exciting was your night/morning?

I was rudely awakened at 3:00 this morning with my white trash neighbors and another unknown man arguing loudly outside. After about 10 minutes of "you fucking whore, get out my fucking apartment, leave with your new boyfriend," I called the cops. Two officers came within minutes, then an ambulance, then a fire truck... So, at 3:40, the EMTs had my neighbor on a stretcher taking him to the hospital, the new boyfriend was arrested, and the girl... Well, I think she hooked up with one of the cops. :o I just thought it was kind of funny when one of the officers looked at his co-worker and said, "Dude... After 15 years of law enforcement, that is the STRANGEST call I have EVER been on."

I don't know what really happened, but it is my mission to find out. :| I have connections. :$

Sounds like a night shift in the ER.....it is always entertaining.:o:o:o
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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"Dramatic Injury":P

Get calls "to stage, assault in progress" quite often. I go on many calls where its us, a few hose monkeys (fire guys) and some cops. The fire guys and my partner and I just sit and watch things unfold, rather entertaining more times than not, and then we either take someone to the hospital or patch em up and watch em taken away in the back of a squad car. Honestly I despise violence but some people do the lamest shit, usually alcohol related.

Any ways, Im off to work;)

The Dude Abides.

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