
Fun with my Polar Heart Rate Monitor

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I have a Polar Heart Rate Monitor that I use for exercise to make sure that I reach my target heart rate. Just for fun, last weekend, I thought it would be a fun experiment to wear it 24 hours/day and watch how my heart rate changes throughout the day during stressful events, calming events, etc..I even slept with it on and checked how the morning alarm changed my heart rate. It was fun:D

The poll is for who might have done the same experiment and during which event and the "other" category is for perhaps another suggestion of something else that would be fun to monitor my heart rate.:D Next, my plan is to wear it while jumping and watch what my heart rate does in the plane on the climb to alti, once the door opens, once I'm out the door, in freefall and then under canopy..should be interesting.


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I've wanted to try that... I haven't though...

right now I need to send in my Wrist Reciever for a new battery... :$

Which reciever do you have? Mine is always fun since it can record the data and I can copy it to my computer... :) (I'm such a geek... :$)
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It's the Polar Brand...and the transmitter is a strap around the ribs (up near the sternum) and receiver is like a watch which provides a lot of info (more than I want/need). My battery was dead so when we replaced the battery, I decided to put it on and see what else I could monitor that affects my heart rate.:D


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Wear it when having the greatest sex of your life...

See how high the heart rate goes... >:(

Did that already...133 was the top (omg, she's going to kill me for saying that out loud):$.

Wow, chick on chick action? :o It would surely raise my heartrate. :)
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It's the Polar Brand...and the transmitter is a strap around the ribs (up near the sternum) and receiver is like a watch which provides a lot of info (more than I want/need). My battery was dead so when we replaced the battery, I decided to put it on and see what else I could monitor that affects my heart rate.:D

All the Polar monitors are like the but some recivers can download the info, like Jumpstrack does fir protracks. my Polar monitor is just a BPM indicator
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