
Women Fitness Pics, Finally!

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Yes, there are several women that are not posting their pics just yet. Some would like to post a after pic with it the same time. I will be posting those when i am asked to "by the ladies that is".

There are also some that were sent into me a little late. I will be adding those at another time as well. It took me forever to find this program and I have no idea where my partner is hiding somewhere.
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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i vote for sharimcm as the cutest before pic ever. The way she's peering over the sign in her 2nd pic is adorable.

:$ I just wanted to make sure y'all knew it was me.

My hair looks like hell, but like I said before, I just had a massage before I took the pics. B|

I have to be very good this weekend though. The boys at my work just took me to go eat a Chinese buffet for my upcoming 30th birthday!! :)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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i vote for sharimcm as the cutest before pic ever. The way she's peering over the sign in her 2nd pic is adorable.

According to the pics...Sartre, Sharimcm and GravityGirl are having the most fun with this so far. Look at their faces in the pics. Smiles and totally being silly
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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I just wanted to make sure y'all knew it was me.

I had no idea what you looked like before...well except for you boobs. :P

:$ But, they are pretty... Might as well show off your best feature, right? :o;)

Some people know me though. :)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Let's hear it for the scantily clad ladies! Nice pics :P You all look like you're having LOTS more fun than we do in our pics. (Why is that??) The contest is on! Whoohoo!! My two golden rules are at least 15 mins of abs and push-ups daily and no ice cream until May 1. Day 3 and so far so good...

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i would like to join as well but haven't been able to get a photo - gimpy went to arizona and i haven't quite figured out how to work his camera :P

i'll send you the photo this weekend **crosses fingers** unless i'm already kicked out:P
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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goodluck ladies,

try the Body for life program. It works great. great recipes in the Eating for life book, too. In 5 weeks I lost 10% of my body fat. You go girls, you can do it. look forward to seeing your success pictures. dm
Mistakes-It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.

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I was just looking over your photos and I just don't see why you need to improve anything...

Hot hot hot! ;)

Hell ya, you dont need to improve anything..
Im a girl myself, but damn you look hot:P

well thank you. I personally would like to just tone up some more. I am happy with the way I look now, I just know I could look better. :)
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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