
Vibes for my Mom -

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Update on Mom -

She goes in for the 2nd operation on her hand to re-attach some tendons tomorrow, then on Friday she'll be getting her hip worked on.

Tests were done to day, her heart, brain, etc. are all OK and her right side is in pretty good shape.

New on the two boys that were in the pcikup truck that hit her - Broken jawbones, collar bones, and spinal injuries - The truck rolled four times. They weren't wearing seatbelts.
Apparently they dropped a CD and both went after it. Don't know if they even know they hit some one else yet.

Her birthday is Thursday.

Easy Does It

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Just got off the phone with Mom!!

She's doing much better - Three operations pn her hand, and looks like the skin graft won't be required! Mondays' hip operation went well, and she was actually able to sit up and put her feet over the edge of the bed and do some simple excercises.

She still has alot of pain meds going through her but at least now she's lucid, has a good sense of humor, and doing pretty well considering what she's been though!

The two young men are out of the hospital now and are recovering well from thier injuries, also.

Another big THANK YOU!! on my Moms' behalf, to everyone for thier prayers, good vibes, phone calls, emails, everything!!

I don't care what anyone says, SKYDIVERS ROCK!!

Easy Does It

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Glad to hear the great news, Dumpster. Keep us updated, mkay? (And I told ya God said things would come right....:);)).

Hugs and prayers to you both.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Thanks a mil, my friend, We appreciate it no end.

She's moving to another room today, and will spend a while there before going to a rehab facility for about 3 months. Overall she sounds great and is in good humor.

It's a wonderful thing!

Easy Does It

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