
if you HAD to pick

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if you could go back in time to live in any era prior to this century , and i'm gonna cut off the 80's and 90's here cause thats a little too recent - which would you go to? where would you live? why?

random yes i know

i'd have to probably pick the age of the roman empire - though hopefully i would have been wealthy
the mayan empire - or the mid-late 1800s america
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I always thought that we'd be pretty much miserable in any time other than our own, just as anyone from the past would be miserable in our current day.

Ancient Rome sounds like fun, but the whole dying from a hangnail thing would really suck... stuff like that. Somebody from that day would freak out at how fast our world moved compared to theirs.

I think it all comes down to what you're used to.

That being said: I'd LOVE to visit just about any time, but if I had to pick one then bring on the 20's and 30's gangster era!

They'd call me:

Elvisio "Tommy Gun" Rodriguez

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1960s to early 1970s! I would be a bearded, long-haried hippie with my fist in the air fighting off The Man!

...and dropping lots of acid.

...and having lots of casual sex with many anonymous partners without using protection 'cause AIDS wasn't around yet and the birth control pill was freely available.


Afterwards, I could become a conservative pundit working for a large newspaper who rants and raves about the quixotic, ill-conceived sociopolitical ideals of today's morally bankrupt youth. Those damn kids!! *shakes fist* :o

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1960s to early 1970s! I would be a bearded, long-haried hippie with my fist in the air fighting off The Man!

...and dropping lots of acid.

...and having lots of casual sex with many anonymous partners without using protection 'cause AIDS wasn't around yet and the birth control pill was freely available.


Oh, yeah! The Good Old Days!B|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Although the conditions were rather unsanitary. Probably around the time of Jesus' crucifixion, so I could do some world class heckeling. >:(

"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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I'd go back to Roswell, New Mexico in the 50s, cause the first alien sighting, kill my father and sleep with my grandmother, thus ensuring not only my survival but also that I am my own grandfather. And then every chance I got I'd say "I did the nasty in the pasty."

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I'd go back to Roswell, New Mexico in the 50s, cause the first alien sighting, kill my father and sleep with my grandmother, thus ensuring not only my survival but also that I am my own grandfather. And then every chance I got I'd say "I did the nasty in the pasty."

So, could we call you "Fry" at that point? :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I'd do the 60's and 70's, for exactly the reasons Nerd said.

Other than that, well, it might be nice to be in late 5th C Athens to see if Socrates was really any good, maybe Rome at the death of the Republic to hear Cicero speak in defence of democracy, or maybe to travel with Alexander on his conquests of exotic lands - but y'know, living in the past doesn't really appeal to me that much. Unless you were the wealthiest of the wealthy it was dirty, violent, diseased, tough and mostly just pretty unpleasant.

We've never had it so good;)

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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1960s to early 1970s! I would be a bearded, long-haried hippie with my fist in the air fighting off The Man!

...and dropping lots of acid.

...and having lots of casual sex with many anonymous partners without using protection 'cause AIDS wasn't around yet and the birth control pill was freely available.


Afterwards, I could become a conservative pundit working for a large newspaper who rants and raves about the quixotic, ill-conceived sociopolitical ideals of today's morally bankrupt youth. Those damn kids!! *shakes fist* :o

That's what I was going to say, but better written. I would however want to introduce all those women to razors. :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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That's what I was going to say, but better written. I would however want to introduce all those women to razors. :D

Just the women, you'd be okay having casual sex, with a hairy guy...remind me never to go camping or skydiving with you!:P

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Although the conditions were rather unsanitary. Probably around the time of Jesus' crucifixion, so I could do some world class heckeling. >:(

Take two friends. You could stand next to him.
You and your friends could be the "M", "C", and "A".

(Of course, a lightning bolt would turn you into toasties shortly afterwards, but it would be fun for a moment.)

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I wouldn't want to be around earlier than modern medicine, certainly not before antibiotics.

When I was a kid back in the sixties I always desperately wanted to be a few years older. I was thirteen when Woodstock happened. I knew it was going on, but wasn't able to go (we lived only 300 miles away and lots of my older friends hitchiked there). I just barely touched on the edge of all that great stuff. I'd have loved to have seen Hendrix, Cream, or The Doors (I did see Janis, just once). Seeing The Grateful Dead in the days before acid was even illegal. And of course all that free love - who wouldn't want that ?

And if I still wanted to skydive, at least the Paracommander was around, though I'd probably avoid those squirrely radical square things, at least 'til the Strato Star comes along.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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