
How many lawyer/skydivers?

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Of course, miss altitude addict, you know I make exceptions for my one and only favorite counselor:)B|

Hey - did ya hear Jason Rose is getting married!!:D:D

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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Count me in. I was admitted in 2000 and I practice transactional commercial real estate, which is one reason I don't reply to all the posts about miscellaneous legal inquiries--I leave that to lawrocket and others.

Welcome to the bar!

Edited to clarify: I don't really count myself as a skydiver--YET (see jump number, as opposed to jump numberS). So, that might skew your poll a bit. I do a LOT of tunnel time, though.
TPM Sister #102

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Of course I know you love me, but don't let the other docs know your dirty little secret or you might get the boot.

It's amazing that people (skydivers) have such distaste for lawyers, until they know one and want free legal advice. :P

I just think its cool that as skydivers we have such amazing resources within our own community. Someone at the DZ (or on DZ.com) can help you with just about any problem or answer any question you have. I love skydiving!!!

Counselor Fleep Flops

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It's amazing that people (skydivers) have such distaste for lawyers, until they know one and want free legal advice.

Yep. I am one of those. The problem with Lawyers is that there are just waaaaaaaay too many. Anytime one lawyer gets involved in any thing, It just means that others have to go get lawyers. The end result generally being everyone involved gets screwed (except of course the Lawyers).

Another problem is that there are Soooo many people in Law school right now. Once they get out, they will need to find work. That means more and more legal actions (Thus helping to employ their fellow lawyers:S).

This nation’s best and brightest minds are no longer drawn to Science, Engineering and Medicine (things that add to our society), Instead they are drawn to Law School. That is where the Big Money is. Where does that money come from?? What are they "Producing" to earn that money??
Lawyers only detract from society and add nothing to the GNP or society in general thus all the parasite analogies.

Yes, there are MANY Lawyers that I like as individuals however Lawyers in general as a profession are slowly destroying this country with frivolous legal actions that do little other than to fatten their own pockets.

Anyway.. Just one opinion from a Lawyer Hating Skydiver that also has many Friends that also happen to Practice that Evil Law Stuff.:P


I just think its cool that as skydivers we have such amazing resources within our own community. Someone at the DZ (or on DZ.com) can help you with just about any problem or answer any question you have. I love skydiving!!!

Now on that I agree with you 100%.:)

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I'm not so sure about the "Big Money." I sure haven't found that just getting that JD and passing a bar exam is a ticket to riches. I don't disagree that a lot of money changes hands when it comes to lawsuits, but certainly not all lawyers, or even most, are swimming in fat cash.

I'm just hoping to pay off my student loans within the next 30 years at this point.

One (of the many) problems I see is that we as a country rely on "the law" to fix everything. You get pissed off, hurt, offended, inconvenienced or fired and "There should be a law again that" More laws = more lawyers involved to make the system work. That could easily be an entire thread itself....

But really, I've just noticed from posts and profiles that we have a lot of lawyer skydivers which I think is very cool because everyone knows that DZs get in a lot of trouble over airport issues and need help from time to time. One of my interests is property law including land use, landlord/tenant, real estate, etc.. I would love to have the knowledge and experience eventually to help DZs who get in fights about being able to use airports/airspace, etc. I think the more lawyers in skydiving the better, although I'm sure plenty would disagree.

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Good luck on the bar! I took this last winter bar. Totally sucked! 2 weeks left? Just do what the review course tells you to do, other than that, just don't go crazy. I know, easier said than done.

IP law, sounds like you may be of some use to those Engineering/Science types. :P

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Commercial real estate is excellent and an LLM will serve you well, but your LLM will probably get a lot more use on the corporate/entity structuring side of real estate than it will on straight dirt transactions, land use issues, etc. Go for it! You'll be very much appreciated with an LLM.
TPM Sister #102

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19 years in November. Thurgood Marshall School of Law 1988 (Texas) Passed the bar first time.

Criminal Defense solo practice.

Tandem Instructor for relaxation.

Not completely full time.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Thanks -- yeah the plan for the next two weeks is to do craploads of problems...by that point i should be ready and if im not it's too late to fix it now. either way, i'm going to be nervous but im not going to freak out about it.

and yeah... i AM one of those science types - engineering undergrad degree.... i passed the patent bar in may (just got published as a patent agent in the uspto website last week!), so im hopin i can get a job in august to start in september. loans kick in in february, which is kind of scary since i dont have a job yet... but all in good time!

Im taking the IL bar - what states are people from/licensed in?

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Of course, miss altitude addict, you know I make exceptions for my one and only favorite counselor:)B|

Hey - did ya hear Jason Rose is getting married!!:D:D

I think I need to consult with my Lawyer first!!:D
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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Think prenup. . . . ;)

Or have him kick me in the balls for even thinking about it.;)

Hehe... I don't think I'd ever get married without a prenup. It's a way of protecting the person I love from anything I might try to do to them financially should things not work out. Agreeing on stuff like that beforehand when you love each other is a LOT easier than agreeing on it after everybody's angry. Since 50% of marriages end in divorce, it's a coin-toss chance that a contingency plan may be required... hope for the best, and move on with your marriage knowing you've already planned for the worst. Marriage is a contract, and a prenup is just a vehicle to define the terms.

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Of course, miss altitude addict, you know I make exceptions for my one and only favorite counselor:)B|

Hey - did ya hear Jason Rose is getting married!!:D:D

Remember counselor flip flops.....this is truly a compliment so he must love ya to pieces;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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