
C-17 Cargo plane

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I would! I mostly would like jump out of old plane where 101st paratrooper jumped out of plane during WWII before the invasion of D-Day on June 6, 1944.

Yeah, that would be cool, jumping from a C-47. Of course static line is the only way to go if you do that. Gotta get the full experience.

And on military gear with round parachutes... ;)

Hell yeah!
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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Wouldn't YOU like to jump out of this big baby??

Actually, I do jump out of it:P Here are some real pics of it from the inside at 17,999 feet while I was at work;)

Man, they never paid me to do ANYTHING fun in the army! >:( I think I was perpetually bored for 3 years. :S

Guys get all the cool jobs! >:( Girls couldn't fly the cool planes...girls couldn't jump out of the planes (HALO)...girls couldn't be divers...:S

Ah wells...glad you get to do something 'interesting'. :P:ph34r: I had a *ton* of fun operating radios. :|
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Girls couldn't fly the cool planes...girls couldn't jump out of the planes (HALO)...girls couldn't be divers...

Not accurate on all counts. There are plenty of female soldiers who are HALO and even HALO jumpmaster qualified. They are all riggers or support troops in various special operations units. Likewise, there are female military divers; just not female combat divers. Girls can also be fighter pilots and fly all helicopters, including the AH-64 Apache.


PS: There is simply nothing cooler than launching a five way off the back of a C-17, C-130, or C-5 over NAS Key West (Boca Chica) and getting paid for it. I ran every single USAJFKSWC SL water jump and HALO jump to key west my last five years in the army.

PPS: Kevin has some kick ass RC planes!

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Hey now guys, look. I do not want to do anything illegal here. But I would kill somebody, in front of their own mama, to get a jump from a C-17 at 17,999 feet, and if anybody testifies against me, I'll gouge their eyes out!
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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NOW there are female combat pilots and everything else.

In 1992 when I enlisted, there wasn't crap. >:( The closest I could get to 'combat' was a Patriot Missle Systems Op...but they wanted more time from me, and I wasn't willing to give it to 'em until I knew which way life was going to turn.

I guess the modern womens will get to have some fun in the army. :P

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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