
So if a girl is a total freak...

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depends on how soon you "get to know the freak" inside of her...first date? tramp.
over time? that's a whole 'nother story ;)

Define over time? I dont want to bring up the whole double standard again, b/c we all know its been beat to death (multiple times). So are you saying that if you sleep with a girl on the first date she's a tramp or if you sleep with her and she acts like a nun and is a dead F*** the first time, she's not a tramp and then unleashes the beast as the relationship progresses that its ok?
Okay. Have you EVER slept with a nun? No? Then how would you know? This is purely a speculative generalization. For shame. B|

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...Okay. Have you EVER slept with a nun? No? Then how would you know? This is purely a speculative generalization. For shame. B|

Is that an agressive way to say, "Nunya?"
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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...Okay. Have you EVER slept with a nun? No? Then how would you know? This is purely a speculative generalization. For shame. B|

Is that an agressive way to say, "Nunya?"
I just think that equating abstinence w/ a cold fish is completely incorrect. Just because someone isn't sexually active doesn't mean she couldn't have the potential to be wildly passionate if it were appropriate. That is all.

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