
OUCH!!! Blown veins suck!

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So I started plasma donations last week. 1st donation - no issues except it took 3 hours to get everything done - i.e. physical and donation.

Yesterday was my 2nd donation....attempt. They started the draw and got 210 mls of plasma out of me. The machine reversed to put the red blood cells back into me...and my vein blew. OUCH!!!!!! Nothing like a huge hematoma! And, unfortunately, I apparently don't react well to that as I got light headed, dizzy, nauseated, went white (yes...whiter than I am) and broke out into a cold sweat.

They get the doc, put an ice pack behind my neck, put a tight compression bandage on the hematoma, and take my BP (91/70)....ummm...doc informs me that I'm not going anywhere. LOL - No kidding! I would have passed out if I had stood up at that time.

Once I started looking better/feeling better, they tried the vein in the other arm as they really wanted to get my red blood cells back in me. And they blew that vein before they were even able to hook the machine up to me to put stuff back. OUCH!!!! (again)

So...now I'm on a 56 day deferment since they weren't able to get the red blood cells back into me. Unfortunately, I had to work last night/this morning so dealing with 2 black and blue arms and being lightheaded is not fun at all! UGH! At least I can just veg tomorrow.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of this frickin' lightheadedness? This is not fun!!!!!!!!
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take in fluids, the light headedness is as a result of lowered pressure (but you knew that:P)

Also get a couple of leeches to help with the Tomas:)

Take it easy and rest too Cora :)

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When I was in college, I donated platelets and had a similiar problem. They were able to get the blood out, but when trying to reinfuse the RBC's there was a slight problem where the cells leaked out and I got a nasty bruise and it kinda hurt for days. (I also didn't like the taste that you get when it reinfuses... that metalic taste in the back of your throat)

So... since then, I've just decided that if they want to take it out, they can keep it. B|

edit to correct the RBC's.. cuz as a dr, I have no idea what RBS's are.

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I'm off to give my 201 donation of plasma to today (in about 1 hour they'll stick me) so I want to let you know that it gets better as your veins get tougher. I only occasionally feel the needle go in anymore... lots of scar tissue.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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I have tried a few times and am never able to donate a full pint. Several years back my friends grandma was in need of a transfusion and I was asked if it would donate so I said sure. Well my vein gave out and I was bruised from my armpit down. I could lift my arm for weeks.
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If I drink any more fluids, I'm going to float away. :D And, I'm resting as much as possible. I just hate feeling weak and not being able to do as much as I normally do. :|

Ian...I'd love to continue giving plasma 'cause it helps. But, I'll admit that I'm now hesitant about doing it again 'cause this sucks.

JT - Yep - the food will definitely help. B| Turkey and stuffing is in the oven. Pumpkin pie's waiting with whip cream in the ready. Oh...yeah...and the veggies and homemade gravy will be made in a couple of hours.

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If I drink any more fluids, I'm going to float away. :D And, I'm resting as much as possible. I just hate feeling weak and not being able to do as much as I normally do. :|

Just keep it up, and maybe think about some iron suppliments (I typically do FeSO4 at 325mg once a day... or when I remember)


Ian...I'd love to continue giving plasma 'cause it helps. But, I'll admit that I'm now hesitant about doing it again 'cause this sucks.

That's why I still donate, but only whole blood. You take it out, you keep it. I am 6 donations away from 10 gallons. (about 1yr yet) I'm just waiting for the time when synthetic blood is good enough to make blood banking unnecessary. B|

Take pictures!! :)

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WOW that really does suck! Im a regular donator since Im a rare blood type AB-...I dontae whole platets and double reds, no plasma cause Im a non profit donator! I have never had a problem and Im really sorry to hear that!!! everyone is right fluids and rest is bout the only thing that you can do..A good meal would help as well but Im sure today will take care of that! hope you get to feeling better soon!


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Nice a vasovagal responce. Did you know thaty putting an icepack on the back of the neck will help to prevent vomiting? It is always interesting to see the nurse in the ER take the ice pack off of a patients neck and then while I am filling out the paperwork hearing the end results.
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ah...didn't know that's why they used the ice pack. Thanks for the info. Always fun to learn something new. :)

Oh...and to those asking for pics, I'd love to but all I have is a cell phone camera and it's not picking up the gorgeous blues/blacks/purples underneath the skin. >:(

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I am...as long as nothing touches the bruises. :DB|

Oh, come on... don't tell me that you don't (even gingerly) lightly palpate the area around it, feeling the the firm squishiness of the subcutaneous blood. :S:D:D Not at all? :D

:) No pics...no video....:D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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....... no proof..... never happened.:D

More seriously, back when I donated often (poor college student days), I only donated at places that were looking for specific serological products. The lab I went to was specifically looking for Rh neg females, B+ males (me!), and some other stuff from AB types. They paid about double what the average plasma lab did back in the 70's.

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I am...as long as nothing touches the bruises. :DB|

Oh, come on... don't tell me that you don't (even gingerly) lightly palpate the area around it, feeling the the firm squishiness of the subcutaneous blood. :S:D:D Not at all? :D

The way you describe that makes it sound so hot
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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