
Oil Shortage? Fine. Food Shortage, okay. But this? Oh, God NO!!!

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The glut sent prices plunging and caused farmers to plant fewer acres to hops. That included hops growers in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, the states that produce the commercial supply of US hops.

I don't really understand this statement. With supply and demand, would it not be wise to plant more hops feilds? Since the demand is high, therefore farmers can ask a better price then that of the past. Or am I missing something here?

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The hop shortage isn't as bad as was originally thought.

It's being driven by hop desiese in Oregon and Washington, as well as Germany. There was also a fire in a hop warehouse in California.

Personally, I planted 18 rhizomes. So I'll have somewhere around 100 lbs of hops within the next few years(they take a year or two to start really producing).

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This may be a good thing for the future of proper beer .... the precious hops should be resereved for real beer and the shite should fall by the wayside.... Wishful thinking? Let's hop [sic] so.

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