
Committing a high risk robbery

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Okay, here's a better plan . . .

We open "Nick's Credit Parachute Gear, Coming Soon" (No One Turned Down) across the street from a fat bank.

We soap up the windows and then we dig.

We dig the tunnel using GPS hoping to hell we don't come up in the donut shop next door like last time. I remember Airtwardo said, when we realized our mistake, "Lookee, Chocolate Éclairs," . . . Three months of digging and all I got was a zit . . ."

We get in a Friday afternoon and weld the vault shut from the inside. The we go to work on the safety deposit boxes. That's where all the diamonds, gems and the gold Krugerrands are . . .

And Perris takes Krugerrands on account without batting an eye . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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When reading this post I thought of Office Space. I would just need one person: a computer super nerd. Then I would get a job at a hot shot bank/investment house. I would have my partner write a program in which every trade (stock, commodity) the bank/investment house makes it would take $0.25 and then puts it into a dummy account. At the end of each day I would have that account transfer the funds into a separate account. At the end of every week have a money transfer made to a bank overseas. Do this for a few months then disappear. Of course I would have used a fake identity for all this. Potential to make lots of money and dont even have to pick up a gun or harm anyone.

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We dig the tunnel using GPS hoping to hell we don't come up in the donut shop next door like last time. I remember Airtwardo said, when we realized our mistake, "Lookee, Chocolate Éclairs," . . . Three months of digging and all I got was a zit . . ."

The really funny part of that little adventure was the parallel tunnel the guys from the donut shop dug, trying to get rich by ripping off "Nick's Credit Parachute" store! :ph34r:

To bad Perris didn't accept donuts 'on account', I'd have 15,000 jumps by now. :|

And then there is the time you forgot the batteries for the GPS, and had me dig straight into that sewage treatment plant! :(

"It's cool, I get ya a bucket" ...and I didn't see you again for two weeks! :S>:(

Or how about the time you had us skydiving into Washington D.C. on the 4th of July, because "that's the only time the air space is open", and landing on the roof of that building to get the top secret files...how come I had to take the computer nerd in by Tandem??? >:(

And after THAT whole thing went sideways... you're tellin' me how rich we'll be anyway, because you were gonna write some bullshit screenplay about it, and make millions on the movie rights???

(Like anyone would ever pay to see a movie with no plot!) :S:S

What ever happened to THAT plan huh???!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Along the same lines as your techincal apporach I thought about opening 3 or 4 different bank accounts. A couple being business bank accounts with really obvious but wealthy looking company names like "Smiths gold ltd" or "bp fuels wages".

You would need a fair sum of money. I would say minimum of £2000. Then simply transfer money every few days from your fictitous business account to your personal account with a reference like "salary" or "wages", then out again with a standing order with some plausible innocent title like "billing account", "investments" or "high interest savings" to a 3rd account (so you have an unknown sort code and account number) and then just keep repeating the progress. The credit scoring system the banks use will go into overdrive and youll get offered all sorts of loans and finance. Once you got the £20,000 overdraft and £30,000 credit limit on your credit card spend the lot and conveniently dissapear.

Only victim then is the bank.

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Kinda late Pops...MOST of your cast is dead! :o

So he won't need to worry about them keeping their mouths shut.:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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My personal Rule #1: Don't include anyone in my plan who starts a thread called "Committing a high risk robbery".:S

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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