
screamo/metalcore music

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So i always ask myself, i wonder what other people think of this music. Personall i love it, but a lot of people i know say it's satanic or an abomination to the music industry

I'd just like to list some bands, what genre or sub-genre they are, and some of their songs, and i'd like to see what you ppl'z think

The Devil Wears Prada- Metalcore/Christian Rock (yes, this is a christian rock band)

Hey John What's Your Name Again

Reptar, King of the Ozone

Blessthefall- emo/screamo/easy listening/Christian rock

A message to the unknown

Guys Like you make us look bad

eyes wide shut

Alesana- Emo/screamo/post-hardcore


Alchemy Sounded Good At the Time

Nero's Decay

Bring Me the Horizon- Death Metal/Screamo

Pray for Plagues


These are just a couple.

So, what do you all think? These aren't really underground bands either.

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I only clicked on the first one. That is not music and it makes me want to beat the shit out of someone everytime I hear stuff like that for more then about a minute and a half.

I only listened to the first one also. I didn't think it was half bad, except for the lead vocalist, who sounded like he was singing while undergoing a vasectomy with dull, rusty instruments and no anesthesia.
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You know, I'm slightly disappointed with the above responses. Isn't one of the things that makes this country great the freedom to express oneself? The freedom to have and make choices? This music might not strike a chord with my spirit, but I will defend the rights of others to enjoy and appreciate it.

Now - if you'll excuse me, the sacrifices are ready. There is work to be done...so much work to be done...:P

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Chick Corea rocks! I remember listening to that when I was a kid.

Personally, I'm not a fan of screamo/metalcore. It's just too harsh, and not that flowing. I like a lot of hard rock and metal, but screamo/metalcore I never took a likening to. I like bands like Tool, APC, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Metallica to name a few.
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That's what I like about today's music, something for everyone. We kind of laugh at screamo in our house. Our tastes run more to pop punk, from Green Day, Less than Jake, NOFX, to the Bouncing Souls.

Listen to what you like, and don't let anyone tell you what you should like. B|

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