
Hello Overtime :)

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It's well known at work that I'm a whore when it comes to overtime. It's pretty much the only way to make money here. I'm always the first to volunteer for an open shift.

Typically, I never know how much if any overtime I'm going to get in a week. It all depends on either someone calling off or all hell breaking loose.

Well, thanks to a fellow dispatcher going on vacation next week I'm scheduled a guarnteed 60 hours.

People need to go on vacation more often. B|B|B|

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I quit reading when I hit the word "whore" and had to go back and see if I read that right. Then I finished the sentence and realized what you were really trying to say! :D:D

Congrats on the overtime! Don't work to hard! ;)


As to the working too hard thing...the really nice thing about my job is so long as all hell isn't breaking loose I can watch TV, sleep (night shift only) and/or post whore. :)

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I wish my overtime was that easy....I'm a machinist and have been working 7days a week for the last 3 or so months....saturday & sunday are all double time....
very nice checks, but am getting burnt out...
like U...I'm also concidered an overtime WHORE at my work place....I have 21 more days to work then I'm off to Denver for some wind tunnel time and then back home to drive all the way to Vancover to visit my bro and my new niece...
then on the way home....its drive thru the states and end up at couch freaks.....

damn thats going be alot of driving....

enjoy the gravy cause I sure do....

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting - "fcuk me what a ride!"

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Well...we call your types "clock whores" where i work..and my leadman actually called me one a few weeks ago...lol. Im always the first to volunteer for overtime. The good thing about my job is i work 4/10 hour shifts. So at the end of thursday i already have my 40 hours in. Anything after that is overtime. Funny thing is..if i work 23 hours of overtime i more than double my paycheck. Lately though there hasnt been any overtime due to it being summer...and no yacht owners want to put their vessels in the yard to have maintainance performed on them. We have a quote at work..."its either feast or famine"...meaning either 70 hours a week or just the normal 40 hours.

They are anticipating work really picking back up here in the next few months...and i cant wait!
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