
How to handle job situation?

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this is what you do B|
do not tell the current company you are looking for a job, do not use them for reference, and do not agree if possible future employer wants to contact your current employer (that is normal and happens all the time)

interview, find another job, then meet with your boss and ask for xxx% raise, or a counteroffer to what you have lined up. quit if they won't give it to you and start a new job
tadaa B|

I can tell you from seeing it happen to other people that if I do that my boss will show me where the door is. [:/]

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and thats when you start your new job (I should have been clearer - I wanted to say to have another job secured first :)
edited to add:
and it seems that your boss is a total ass with no class if that happens this way. do not waste your time and energy for this place any more.

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Actually the new job is in a completely different field. As much as I love EMS I don't think it's gonna let me do the things I want to do in life.

ahh, money, I gotcha:P

Yes money is an issue. But I'm not trying to become a millionare. I just did the math and realized that once the dz closes for the season and I don't have money comming in from packing then after all my basic bills (not including gas and groceries) I'll have $30 a month to live off of. I dunno about you but that doesn't work for me. :D

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If this family business was treating the rest of the employees like family it might be okay. But one thing I learned after being in one job for 26 years and getting fired along with 500 hundred other people is that don't expect any loyalty from your employer and don't give an unreasonable loyalty to them. When your working, do your job. If you need to change, change. They'd drop you in a heart beat if they needed to downsize.

I DO know of one small family company where the employees ARE like family and have been there 20 plus years. The owners first concern was the employees, second was the business.

And your right, EMS will never give you much unless you advance to management or training. Even then maybe not.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Every single response in this thread has been to advise you to keep mum (and I agree with that). If you're really looking for advice, you've now got it, multiple times. So the thread has now served its purpose. But if you've already made up your mind (for the other point of view) and are just looking for validation, then at this point there's really no further purpose to the thread, unless you're still hoping that someone will say what you want to hear, so that you can latch onto it. Your choice. Good luck.

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I think part of the reason I feel guilty is I know how short handed they are already. Also knowing that it takes 3 months to train someone new for a dispatch position. :(

If they are short handed, yet still doing the same business, then they are saving money that they could be compensating you with.

Look for the job, don't say anything.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Read a few of the posts, everyone is pretty much on the same page.

From the original corporate sell out's P.O.V. (me), it is 100% acceptable to accept a new job before telling your employer you are even looking. Just tell your NEW employer that you may not be able to start for 2 weeks as you transition out of your old job. Then tell your old employer they have 2 weeks left with you so you can help out while they find a replacement and aren't left high and dry. They'll respect you for it.

If you are in a sales position or going to a new work location that directly competes with your current work situation where you could "steal" business/clients/documents they may send you packing instantly with no hard feelings, otherwise they should be gratefule that you are giving them 2 weeks. If they are d*cks about it, you dont want a reference from them anyway. If they have an exit interview with you, be honest but definitely withold any potential personal attacks or statements that could be interpreted as such.

Good luck, and make that cash. Money may not buy happiness but it buys jet skis and jump tickets. Try not smiling while doing that sh*t.;)

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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There is absolutely NO reason for any employee to have any "loyalty" to any company; especially if they are getting paid minimum wage.

The reason companies pay minimum wage is because they would pay you less but it's illegal.

Further, it does not matter one single bit how loyal YOU are to the company, when it comes time to dump YOU, companies will do it on a moments notice and give you 15 minutes to pack up and get off their property, even if you've worked there for 30 years.

You are 100% correct in your observations that when you tell them your intention to find a new job, you'll be screwed. Don't do it. It's ALL about power. If they know you're only "looking" they can really take advantage of you because they KNOW you don't have one lined up yet.

Find your new job, then, when you are 100% guaranteed you actually have it, tell them about it. If they pull any crap after that, even in the middle of a shift, just leave.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I agree with the other posters. Don't let them know you are looking until you have found something solid. Loyalty to a company doesn't mean jack, especially nowadays. I'd have to say I am in the same boat with my current employer. You need to be in a job that makes you happier all around (financially, personally, etc). Good luck!
TPM #131
People are just as the stars....there are bright ones and there are those that are dim.

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When I'm job hunting, if I don't want to notify my current employer, I'll use a trusted co-worker who will keep their mouth shut to the employer as a reference, and ask them for their cell number to give to the people I'm interviewing with. That way, I have a current reference without jeopardizing my job.

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When I'm job hunting, if I don't want to notify my current employer, I'll use a trusted co-worker who will keep their mouth shut to the employer as a reference, and ask them for their cell number to give to the people I'm interviewing with. That way, I have a current reference without jeopardizing my job.

I wish I could do that. However I work with a bunch of back-stabbers who will do anything to make you look bad so that they look good. I can't even tell people when I'm going out of town for the weekend because then rumors start flying about BS crap. I've attempted to trust my fellow employees but have been stabbed in the back so many times I just don't talk to anyone unless it's work related. :(

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