
Glide Path Sharpchuter 245 reserve ?

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I am looking at a used Javelin J7 with a Glide Path, Sharpshooter, 245 sq/ft. reserve, manufactured 11/94.

Can someone enlighten me a little bit...just want to make sure these aren't known as total death traps or anything:|

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I probably have around 1500 or more jumps on the Sharpchuter as a main. It opens clean, is stable as shit even in deep brakes and is forgiving on landing. It is big, 245 sq. ft. but then big is nice sometimes.

Check this link, that’s a demo I did on a Sharpchuter with a 600 sq. ft. flag.


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The canopy is a favorite main and or reserve among several demo teams and individual demo jumprs. The canopy is also used by several DZ's for their student programs.

Wing loading should be based on experience and the canopy will work fine even in higher loadings, although you would have to weigh a bit to get it over 1 to 1:P.

If you have any real concernes dend it to JJ or Red at FCI (Flight Conepts International) and have them check it out.

I have 18 rigs at my disposal and they all have a FCI canopies in them. Some rigs have main and reserves from FCI some have a combo of PD or FCI, they both make good stuff. The different set ups are for different jump scenarious.
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I know you asked another but I have jumps on both 245 models you asked about.

The ST 245 has (had) a bigger nose opening with a faily medium sized slider. The larger nose opening made for a real fast inflation over the SC 245. There is (was) also diffences in the line set lengths.

In speaking to Red a while back, the SC was more of a all around canopy for reserve, main (student and experinced), and occasional CRW canopy. The ST 245 was built for the Demo side of things so it was set up for those steep, deep brake aproaches.

Red figured out that the SC could do that too though, and although he still has the template I don't think He sells to many of the ST 245's as compared to the SC 245's.
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hey mjosparky have you ever gotton hard opene ings on you 245. I have a startrek 245 and it is the same in many respects as the sharpshuter and it really hurts sometimes no matter how I pack it. Any advise on this.
The canopy only has 200 jumps on it.


A few years ago I put about 25 to 30 jumps on a 245 Startrac and did not like it all. It has the same sq. ft. as the Sharpchuter but a lower aspect ratio. It seemed (probably just me) to have inconstant reaction to control inputs while in deep brakes and took longer to come out of a sink.

My newest Sharpchuter is the first one that gave me problems with hard openings. With about 60/70 jumps on it, it opened so hard it blew 6 lines and I cutaway. Talked to Red, he said ship it in and they made a mod to it. (see picture – top skin extended down into 3 center cells) It now opens like a dream. Turn around time was less then 2 weeks.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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