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    startrek II
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    Tennessee Skydiving Center Tullahomah, TN
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    Senior Rigger
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    Senior Rigger
  1. WOW, thank all of you for your advise and sharing your knowledge with me. This forum has been a good source for me and I am sure for many others as well. I have definately gotten my question answered. It seems that a lot of people have different interpritations of the rules and yet I do not think any of you are typing from a jail cell because you have violated the FAR. I quess using common sence is the general concensus in this thread and I would like to know where I can order some of that. haha! thanks again for all of your help, there is a great deal of knowledge in here. live life with your head in the clouds
  2. So I am gathering that from the CFR(FAR) that as long as you understand them you can pack as you see fit as long as you generally follow and "understand" them. live life with your head in the clouds
  3. In reality, I think you will find that each rigger has their preferred method of packing, which will either be a reserve-style Pro or "flat-Pro" packjob, and that they will use the same method for all square reserves, regardless of the manufacturer's instructions That was my big question and I have talked to a few riggers and they pack most reserves the same way. So does this mean that they are violating the CFR or are they just being consistant in useing what works. I knew the regs when I asked the questions but what I wanted was advise from more experienced riggers because I know that people do not always pack with manual open (which is a military rigger requirement) and they pack their own special way. I would like some more advise and thank you all for your input. live life with your head in the clouds
  4. skydiving is a sport that can and does result in death if something bad happens and that is part of the thrill of the sport. To cheat death on a regular basis and have fun. If people are really scared about something going wrong then they do not need to be jumping. In this sport you can only do so much to be safe and the rest is up to your riggers packing ability. It always a good idea to be prepared and do what you think you need to do to be safe and have fun. So if you want to buy an ass bungee then do so. But only about 70 people died last year world wide from shydiving and most of them were from landings. In this sport like most others nothing will be done until alot of people die. It is true with all things in life. Look at seat belts, they were not even put in cars until the 50's and not made manditory till we noticed a big number ofpeople dying. We just need to make sure that we do what we can to stay out of the statistics column. Skydiving is fun and dangerous and people are going to get hurt and die most of which are by their own mistakes. So lets just jump and have fun. live life with your head in the clouds
  5. ripcord, where would I get an MC-4. I would like to get the whole system if I can. thanks. live life with your head in the clouds
  6. hey mjosparky have you ever gotton hard opene ings on you 245. I have a startrek 245 and it is the same in many respects as the sharpshuter and it really hurts sometimes no matter how I pack it. Any advise on this. The canopy only has 200 jumps on it. thanks. live life with your head in the clouds
  7. hello every one, I am a senior rigger and I have a few questions about packing reserves. I had some trouble finding the manual for my reserve so I used the manual for my container to do so. It contained full packing instructions for the chute itself. I resently found the packing inst. for my reserve online and they are a little different. In this case which one takes presadence? Also if I get e reserve that I cannot find the instructions for do I just pack it because most chutes are packed the same anyway or am I bound by the manuf. instructions? I would like to get some advise on this subject. I have discussed it with some friends but really did not get any answers. Thanks, Blue skies live life with your head in the clouds
  8. By the way I had the worst landing of my life that day. I think I am a little glad that was my last military jump for a few years. I sure the DZSO gets in some trouble for letting us jump in 15+knot winds. live life with your head in the clouds
  9. My neck hurts and the top of my head is tender. there is nothing in there to bruse so I am not too worried. live life with your head in the clouds
  10. thank you all for the info. By the way I am a B-licensed skydiver. I am making my last jump as a Rigger this saturday. I am off to flight school to become a helicopter pilot. I love being a Rigger and I want to continue to work with parachutes as well as jump. It helps that my Dad is a master from the old school. Any way, thanks again and Blue Skyz! UpChuck live life with your head in the clouds
  11. thank you, That is exactly what I have been looking for! UpChuck live life with your head in the clouds
  12. I am an army rigger and I have been trying to get my ticket. I need to knw what I need to prove that I am an army rigger. Will my DD214 be good or do I need a letter from my loft SGT. I would appreciate any info. I need my ticket asap. UpChuck live life with your head in the clouds