
*Warning re: Delta Airlines

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If part of the fuselage happened to get ripped off at 23,000' in a pressurized cabin, then yes, suckage would occur.

And that would just... well, suck...

Though, if I'm ever in such a situation, I would certainly appreciate having a parachute... Anyone know if it's possible to get a rig on in freefall? :S
Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.

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If part of the fuselage happened to get ripped off at 23,000' in a pressurized cabin, then yes, suckage would occur.

And that would just... well, suck...

Though, if I'm ever in such a situation, I would certainly appreciate having a parachute... Anyone know if it's possible to get a rig on in freefall? :S

I don't think that you'd be able to, is too high, and you know what happens when your brain lacks oxygen. :P
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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So how long does it take for hypoxia to set in?

There probably is a medical exact answer, but really it's going to depend on the individual. It will depend on the level of oxgyen already in the blood stream. For instance, someone who smokes or has asthma it will be quicker than for someone who is a long distance runner or swimmer. This is just based on my experience. I am by no way a doctor, but I like to play the game:-)

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Has anyone actually *seen* the letter Airtec claims to have from the FAA stating Cypres is approved for air travel. I asked USPA for a copy last spring when I was almost denied boarding on Delta and they said I would have to get it from Airtec because they didn't have it. I'm starting to wonder if it really exists.

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Thanks for your help. The PIA letter is only a press release so I doubt it will be any good to convince TSA and/or Delta they are wrong in their evaluation of the cypres being "compressed gas". In the NG posting Cliff made, he insinuates the problem will be resolved shortly. How much longer are we supposed to wait for this to happen? Why can't we as skydivers have something like a letter from FAA/DOT stating the cypres isn't dangerous? It would also be helpful if we even had something stating it isn't "compressed gas".
Why are we left at the boarding gate without any back-up material to convince TSA or the Airline what we say is true?

Cypres's have been in production for over 10 years. How come I'm still having this problem?

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Here's another excellent site to visit. It's at least worth an email or maybe a few minutes on the phone. Check this out...


If your complaint concerns accessibility problems experienced by a passenger with a disability, or alleged discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion or ancestry, please click here for information on where to file your complaint

Heheheehehee....write there and tell them you were descriminated against. Skydiving is an addiction and could therefor be classified as a disability right? I bet you could find a lawyer that will say yes....:D This could be worth millions in a descrimination lawsuit!!! B|

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Spetember 11 changed the rules. With the creation of the Homland Security department (I've never heard of another country having a homeland security officer...) the execuitive branch and the rest of the government wants to make you as safe as possible while flying. If that means no more fingernail files or clippers then most people (not me) are willing to give up some of those things and freedoms to fly. It started at knifes and guns, then went to anything metal and sharp, and they keep getting more and more prohibitive all the time. Even at some airports I've had to turn my laptop on so they could prove the battery was'nt an explosive. Its getting stupid in my opinion. Either allow people to travel or don't. Just don't make it so hard on them to travel that it puts a large burden on them.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Heh, heh.
I think the key to this is going to be to show Delta, TSA and all the other airlines the cypres is safe and most importantly to have something in writing from a credible source to contradict what Airline security is saying about the cypres containing compressed gas. Why don't we all have this yet?

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The Top 15 Advertising Slogans for Delta Air Lines:

1 Delta: We're Amtrak with wings.
2 Join our frequent near-miss program.
3 Ask about our out-of-court settlements.
4 Noisy engines? We'll turn 'em off!
5 Complimentary champagne in free-fall.
6 Enjoy the in-flight movie in the plane next to you.
7 The kids will love our inflatable slides.
8 You think it's so easy, get your own damm plane!
9 Delta: Our pilots are terminally ill and have nothing to lose.
10 Delta: We might be landing on your street!
11 Delta: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.
12 Bring a bathing suit.
13 So that's what these buttons do!
14 Delta: A real man lands where he wants to.
15 Delta: We never make the same mistake three times

(No, I don't have anything constructive to add to this thread)

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I'm seriously thinking about it. I figure it only costs about $50. to file a claim in Small Claims Court and even if I lose, the most I'm out is the $50. On the other hand, Delta will have to send a representative to court. If I can get the kind of info I have asked for previously in this thread, I think I could win a judgement and their legal department would be forced to send out a memo to ensure this doesn't happen again. I would also encourage anyone else who has this problem to consider doing the same.

I have sent Cliff Schmucker an email stating my desire to at least look into the possibilities of a suit and have asked him to provide me with the information I think I will need. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress.

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Spetember 11 changed the rules. With the creation of the Homland Security department (I've never heard of another country having a homeland security officer...) the execuitive branch and the rest of the government wants to make you as safe as possible while flying.

Hmm, I believe Nazi Germany had something similar to a homeland security officer in Heinrich Himmler...

Interesting article about the word "homeland":

What's in a name: Homeland security

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Good luck, and if there is anything we as skydivers can do, let us know. (I know, I just raised everyone else's hands to volunteer on this issue.;))

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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The Top 15 Advertising Slogans for Delta Air Lines:

1 Delta: We're Amtrak with wings.
2 Join our frequent near-miss program.
3 Ask about our out-of-court settlements.
4 Noisy engines? We'll turn 'em off!
5 Complimentary champagne in free-fall.
6 Enjoy the in-flight movie in the plane next to you.
7 The kids will love our inflatable slides.
8 You think it's so easy, get your own damm plane!
9 Delta: Our pilots are terminally ill and have nothing to lose.
10 Delta: We might be landing on your street!
11 Delta: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.
12 Bring a bathing suit.
13 So that's what these buttons do!
14 Delta: A real man lands where he wants to.
15 Delta: We never make the same mistake three times

(No, I don't have anything constructive to add to this thread)

You forgot:

Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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You can't sue the airlines for refusing service. Read the fine print. By accepting the ticket you agree that the airline can refuse service to anyone for any reason. And more specifically if the pilot says no, that ends the discussion, period.

I think in time the issues will work out. Right now everyone is making knee-jerk reaction decisions. It may have even helped to have a copy of their policy on carryon rigs. I make it a point to take all of the information I can with me. It would also probably help if Airtech had a copy of the TSA/FAA letter available on their web site to refer to.

If everyone sent letters and emails to all involved we might be able to resove this. I sent the following email to Delta, TSA, FAA, Dulles customer service, USPA, PIA and Airtech.


As I travel on the airlines often, I was very disturbed to find out that one of our members was refused boarding today at Dulles. The issue was that he had an AAD (automatic activation device) that was turned off in his skydiving rig. He presented his Airtech Cypress card (AAD) and his USPA membership card as required to the TSA agent. The carrying on of a cypress unit has been cleared by the TSA as carry on and a letter has been sent to Delta and all other carriers. The Delta supervisor told our member he could not board even if he checked his luggage. I have taken my rig on several Delta flights without this problem. Why did this occur? Why the inconsistency? Why was the supervisor not able to follow the recommendation of the TSA agent present, that it was cleared?

If the position of Delta is that you are not going to allow TSA approved items then please let me know so that I can make the appropriate travel arrangements in the future and post a notice to our 42,000 USPA members.

Best Regards,

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